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Date Posted: 10:34:25 02/18/19 Mon
Author: "Stinky" Alescoop (sales@attorneysaccess.com)
Subject: Anthony Martini [anthony@anthonymartini.net] Has Another Obscure Advertising Scam Available
In reply to: Lee Gowans 's message, "Unwanted Pink Marketing with Lee Gowans, lg9882@yp.com" on 09:28:46 10/09/15 Fri

How Can Your Peculation Plan Work if People Find Out

another anthony martini scam

Tony Martini [sales@attorneysaccess.com] asks: "Should you open a store and put plyboard over the front window?" It prevents people from seeing what you offer. If your offering is obscure advertising, sure, it might be best if people do not see behind the maildrop. If people find out what sort of advertising you really offer, they may stay away in droves.

That reduces the cash flow. In turn, that leads to short days and long months, and eventually the landlord gets all shirty and offers you an opportunity to move elsewhere. Still, if you are sufficiently hard up, you might consider one of the expensive offerings from Anthony Martini.

Attorney Advertising for the Extremely Desperate
teen in grey bra and panties 750x750 Advertise with the Tony Martini group and have more time on your hands:
  1. anthony@anthonymartini.net
  2. anthonymartini2014@hotmail.com
  3. attorneysaccess2014@gmail.com
  4. promo@attorneysaccess.com
  5. sales@attorneysaccess.com
Illustration has little to do with the Anthony Martini spam group or the attorneysaccess web site offerings.

You may not recognize the sort of impoverished losers who wander onto an Anthony Martini web site as the best potential customers. But how do you know if you do not try? It may turn out that these unfortunates are exactly the sort of people you need!

And why not consider a full ad campaign, not just one shot in one direction. You can send unsolicited commercial e-mail. You can have ugly banners on obscure web sites and never-before-seen directories. Why not go for a full colour print ad in a limited-circulation publication in an entirely different country?

The point is, you do not have to choose. So long as your money holds out, you can do so much advertising as you prefer.

Ready to get started? Anthony Martini [anthony@anthonymartini.net] is standing by and ready. Look for the guy ranting, raving, and threatening to see the government for $10 billion, or maybe more. Surely this is the type of promotion you need!

Attorneys Access
2549 Eastbluff Drive, Ste 274
Newport Beach, CA 92660
cutercounter.com [Erdogan has tiny fingers]
young girl in pink bathing suit 1200x1200 row of girls in underwear facing away 1088x816
Illustrations have little to do with the spammers associated with Tony Martini and the "attorneysaccess.com" scam. Feel free to send money, it will be accepted. Third-party informational posting, not directly furnished by any of the myriad Martini enterprises. Stay sober. Stay sane.

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