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Date Posted: 14:04:55 12/06/15 Sun
Author: Jack Clarke (puzzlingly pink)
Subject: Show Your Pink Pride with Obscure Advertiser, jack.clarke@acquisition-intl.com
In reply to: Lee Gowans 's message, "Unwanted Pink Marketing with Lee Gowans, lg9882@yp.com" on 09:28:46 10/09/15 Fri

Obscure, but Still Expensive

Some advertising is prominent, and gets you noticed. Buy the inside front page of the Times and you will surely be seen. An advert in the first quarter of the Super Bowl, likewise.

Other advertising is more obscure. Have you ever heard of Acquisition International? Well, now you have, and you can spend thousands of dollars or other appropriate monetary units advertising with them! Just get in touch:
jack.clarke@acquisition-intl.com Jack Clarke junk e-mail from acquisition-intl.com
janepeter84@hotmail.com Jane Peter
reception@acquisition-intl.com Reginald Ceptionwankre, QC

But can you count on them to accept your money? Of course you can, they are a proud Cloudflare company!

When you are ready to ramp up the action, you can apply for an award. Everyone who buys an award takes great pride in it and so should you. Spread it around and show your pink pride!
important award   spread the pink with acquisition-intl.com spread the pink with acquisition-intl.com pink pride with acquisition-intl.com
Illustrations are intended to be illustrative only and may not accurately depict account representatives at acquisition-intl.com despite what may be implied. Be assured that, if you are willing to furnish money, it will certainly be nice. Always include company information in disclaimers. Exercise caution when consuming intoxicating beverage so that you do not consume it all, leaving none for your mates. Images may be closer than they appear in mirror, if applicable. The letters "QC" may stand for quit-claim.

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  • Buy Impressively Expensive Award from South Florida Spammer, info@lawyersofdistinction.com -- Chase Williams (lusting for loot), 10:03:31 09/29/16 Thu
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