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Date Posted: 10:03:31 09/29/16 Thu
Author: Chase Williams (lusting for loot)
Subject: Buy Impressively Expensive Award from South Florida Spammer, info@lawyersofdistinction.com
In reply to: Lee Gowans 's message, "Unwanted Pink Marketing with Lee Gowans, lg9882@yp.com" on 09:28:46 10/09/15 Fri

Distinguish Yourself by Becoming a Top 10%

lawyersofdistinction.com is ready to accept your money

According to the web site, there are 1.3 million lawyers, with tens of thousands graduating every year. That means that you need to send at least $425.00 to Lawyers of Distinction in order to have a cherry wood plaque. In fact, you may want to consider any of these valid membership levels:

$425.00 Basic Membership customized plaque!
$550.00 Featured Membership call yourself "featured"!
$775.00 Distinguished Membership also get crystal statue!

Important: do not tell potential clients how much you spent for the honor of having the plaque and such like. That would diminish its value not only for you but for all the other lawyers who bought such an honor. Also, there is a danger that people will question your judgment if they find out how much you paid.

When you are ready to obtain highly expensive honors:
  ° info@lawyersofdistinction.com
  ° info@lawyersofdistinctionz.com
  ° rachel.gray@getresponse.com

These honors may be particularly appropriate after you have completed a course of webinars. You can do this from Mom's basement and still become a lawyer of distinction by sending money. Think of it as another way to learn a sharp lesson!

spend money fast   not fooled by lawyers of distinction

Not everyone is fooled by paid awards scammers, so you will need to choose your prospective clients carefully. Beware of strong drink, it can make you shoot at tax collectors — and miss! Contains not less than 85% recycled electrons (≥50% post-consumer)

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  • Expensive but Obscure Advertising with Cloudflare Spamvertised Website, info@directorylawyers.com -- Ward Simon (lost in the clouds), 12:44:32 11/01/16 Tue
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