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Date Posted: 18:03:40 02/10/06 Fri
Author: Anonymous
Subject: Pageants

**********ATTENTION, ATTENTION, ATTENTION*****************

For everyone interested in entering, pageants I would like for you to know that pageants like this one, were everyone feels like a winner are great. However, you must really evaluate your pageant directors. I think highly of the pageants that are held in the panhandle and I respect the individuals who take the time to host them. I was recently told that if I wanted to enter a pageant for the first time that I needed to entire one of the pageants ran by Mrs. Rogers, but I was also told that Mrs. Rogers pageants were unfair and she was very unreliable. Knowing this information, I decided to take a chance and give Mrs. Rogers the benefit of doubt. I decided to enter the Miss Florida Panhandle Sweetheart Pageant. I would like for everyone to know exactly how I was treated.
I attempted to call Mrs. Rogers the entire week of the deadline for the pageant, left several messages, and emails. Not once did I receive a phone call. I was in search of some answers about my age division & who to make my check out too. Finally, on the day of the deadline, I was able to speak with Mrs. Rogers, the pageant director. I was told about how wonderful her pageants were and how this was definantly the one for me to enter. Well, I was the only one that had responded for my age division. So, it was up to me to have more girls enter. A few friends of mine told me that they were interested and would be entering. So, I called back to let Mrs. Rogers know. As a good director she told me that she would get in touch with some other girls that she thought would be interested and to go ahead and send her my form. She told me that even if there was two girls that she would hold my category. So, I went and spent money buying my dress, buying my shoes,and buying some accessories. I thought everything was going to be great. I then get a phone call the night before the pageant and find out that my division is cancelled. Now, that I have spent all this money and can't get refunds. I thought surely I could be placed in another category maybe the one above or below. Considering, there were no more contestants above mem I thought that I could be placed below. Thus making the age category 16-21, like the Old Spanish Trail Pageant and many more pageants. But NO, I was rudely told that there was nothing she could do and that she had tried calling me several times. Now, I only received two messages and they were during the week of the pageant. I returned the calls and left my cell phone, which was never called because I have voice mail and if it was important surely she would have left another message. Mrs. Rogers hung up the phone up on me because I was very upset at the fact that she waited till the last minute to let me know everything that was going on. She tried to blame it all on me. Told me that no one would want to compete against me. There are alot of pageants that are being held and the majority of them have the 16-21 age division. Now, I am very upset, not mad, but upset at the fact that I was looking forward to this pageant and I had spent all this money looking for the perfect dress only to find out that I had wasted my time. I have never participated in any local pageants other thasn my high schools. I was just so excited. I know that no one wants to hear sappy stuff about their feelings being hurt. But, I thought that if I was a child or a mother that I would be completely devastated if she did this to me or my child. I am only glad that I am old enough to accept what happened, have the knowledge that their are other pageants, and move on. However, I feel that every mother, child, and individual interested in entering this pageant should be aware of just how a director can treat you. Would you want to be treated this way? I think that before entering any pageants that you should look around and get some further information on the actual pageants and their directors before entering. *****SORRY*****

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