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Date Posted: 23:40:47 02/08/05 Tue
Author: Tonya Davis
Subject: Miss Florida Panhandle Pageant

I just wanted to send a thank you to all the girls who participated in the pageant, their parents, Daryle and
Tricia, and all of the assistants. First of all, the girls
looked beautiful and each of them are winners for being there and participating. Secondly, Daryle and Tricia are very much appreciated for putting on a fair and well-organized event yet again! Last, but not least, thank you to all those who are involved in working behind the scenes to make sure everything runs smoothly as it always does.
I'd like to remind all the girls that beauty is in the eye
of the beholder, but real beauty comes from within. This
real beauty shines through when everyone comes to have fun while competing, and whatever the outcome may be..to accept it for the winners that you all are. I am so proud of you all!!!

I would also like to comment on the Mistress of Ceremonies. I do not know her name, but she has
such a great personality, very well-spoken, and her inner spirit shines.

I can't wait to see the first pictures on the website.

Anxiously awaiting the next pageant,
Tonya Davis

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