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Date Posted: 23:03:35 02/09/05 Wed
Author: Tricia Rogers
Subject: Easter Pageant

Easter Pageant for Boys and Girls!! Easter Attire Only!
No Pageant Dresses or Tuxedos! No Pageant hair or makeup!!
Every Contestant will receive a crown, trophy and Easter gift!
Saturday, March 26, 2005 2:00 AM Crestview High School Auditorium

Age Divisions: Girls 0-23 mos, 2-3 yrs, 4-5yrs , 6-7 yrs, 8- 9 yrs, 10-12yrs, 13-15 yrs, 16-19 yrs
Boys 0-2 years, 2-4 years, 4-6 years
Entry Fee $45 if received by March 19, 2005 $10 Fee for late entries.
There will be a king or queen in each age division and four alternates. There will be a Best
Easter Attire Winner in each age division. Winners will receive a Crown, custom trophy and a
banner. Alternates will receive a custom trophy and a banner.
*Age groups may be split or combined, depending on participation*
*SPONSOR TICKETS: Contestants may sell sponsor tickets for $1 each. Contestants who sells
200 tickets will receive entry, a 2 ft trophy and a crown, 300 tickets = entry, 3ft trophy and a
crown, 500 tickets = entry, 6ft trophy and Easter Crown, and will be crowned Queen of Queens..
All tickets will be entered in a drawing for an Easter Basket. Tickets must be turned in by
March 19, 2004. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
Mail entry form and fee, payable to:Tricia Rogers 6122 Staff Rd Crestview, Fl 32536
FOR MORE INFORMATION 689-3563 evenings or email alyssa@speedeenet.com
Or visit the pageant website at www.panhandlepageants.com
Admission $4 Adults $2 Children 3 years and under free
Parents__________________________Sponsored by___________________
Eyes_______________Hair____________Favorite Food_________________
Favorite thing about Easter_________________________________________
Easter Kings and Queens Pageant, it’s directors or agents and facility are not responsible for accidents , injuries or theft in route to/from or at
the pageant. Improper conduct will not be tolerated and will result in disqualification from this pageant AND future pageants. I understand
there are no refunds and that all decisions of the judges are final. I agree to these rules and allow my child named above to participate in this
pageant. Photos taken will be used for future pageant promotions.
Parent Signature________________________________________Date______________________

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