Date Posted:19:52:42 04/08/09 Wed Author:Jesse Subject: Re: Nice Instruction In reply to:
's message, "Re: Nice Instruction" on 22:34:25 12/14/08 Sun
I put in one stitch four days ago and now it has cut almost all the way through, but there is a small bit left may three times the size of thread just too bit to rip when pulled. Now the knot is loose around this small bit left and it can free spin a little and it is causing some pain. Will it cut the rest of the way just by free spinning or do I need to remove this stich and replace it and if so would it hurt to wait a day or so after I remove this one before putting the next because it is sore now, it didn't hurt going in and didn't bleed but for the last two days it has been sore I did forget about soaking it all together could that be the problem I started now but am afraid its too late. Please help