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Date Posted: 16:51:15 04/05/05 Tue
Author: No name
Subject: Re: Diamond City
In reply to: 's message, "Re: Diamond City" on 09:11:52 04/05/05 Tue

Why do we waste our time with this crap? If everything were perfect, people would still bitch and complain and drag others through the muck. Kristie is not a bad person and she does not deserve personal attacks on here. The Weekender is successful, even with its problems.

Does the TL have some sort of magnetic force that keeps tugging people back to these bitch boards? And before you point your boney fingers at me, I realize I'm on here, too. I find this fascinating, honestly. But, I think enough is enough. Turn the corner. Move on. Or, move away. And stay away.

>> The Weekender sucks, just like you and the
>>rest of the TL.
>I don't work at the Weekender (though I did work *for*
>it, years ago, when it first started); and I don't
>work at the TL anymore, either.
>But whenever someone makes a blanket statement such as
>the quote at the end of your little missive, I have
>only one response: "You're dismissed."

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