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Date Posted: Wednesday, April 05, 08:26:03am
Author: The Stud
Subject: Re: Ladies in CREW/ CEO
In reply to: Natasha TRB 's message, "Re: Ladies in CREW/ CEO" on Tuesday, April 04, 10:37:15pm

As usual Natasha, I missed half of your last message because it was so boring it put me to sleep. I give you all the credit in the world for winning the cage match.

Too bad credit doesn't accumulate Womens Championship Belts.... If and when CREW get's a ladies title..... I will put my pride on the line. If Eva doesn't beat you for that title, I will eat dog food slap down in the ring.

Oh, and by the way... I'm thinking about your invitation for a Mixed Tag match weither it be 2 on 2 or 3 on 3, just remember.... I'm not a wrestler..... and It would be sad for me to whoop up on you and the Red Dragons.

>Let's talk about that cage match! Yeah you were
>banned. Eva's clone was throwing her stuff so my boys
>evened the odds by passing me something to use! It was
>a CAGE match! Since when do they includes rules! I
>haven't forgotten my cheating ways(I did use weapons
>you jackass!) Let me tell you something I did just
>fine before the "Saratoga Stud" came along and I can
>do just fine now! I'll give you credit you got some
>interesting ideas but always remember I have NEVER
>shown you all I know! I like to keep a few secrets!
>Okay "Stud" (I'm using that term loosely cause if your
>a Stud and your the measure of good looks I am damn
>proud to be the opposite of you!) let's talk about
>another match between me and your girl!For all I care
>my boys can stay in the back but let's make things
>fair. If my boys stay in the back you and that little
>clone of Eva can keep your asses in the back! If you
>decide to come out my boys will be more than happy to
>show you and that midget clone your way out!
>You know If I thought that you Stud or that little key
>to whatever her name is could handle it I'd say let's
>have a six man tag match but it wouldn't be fair since
>there aren't any men between the three of you!
>We can talk all this bullshyte but in the end we ain't
>really gonna get anywhere! We wanna see who's the
>better wrestler the only way is to do this one on one!
>So we can keep it simple! One on One. WE can do this
>however you want Eva so long as neither of us brings
>or has anyone come to ringside to aide us! You want
>weapons cool bring 'em... I really don't care! Let's
>just be women about this and handle this just you and
>me! Leave the "Stud" and your clone and I'll leave my
>boys in the back! We'll see then who deserves a title!
>Until Next time....

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