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Subject: Re: ESL teaching positions in Korea

Muriel T. Clack
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Date Posted: 11:09:19 01/09/06 Mon
In reply to: Muriel T. Clack 's message, "Re: ESL teaching positions in Korea" on 11:07:44 01/09/06 Mon

>Ms. Kim,
>If there are still positions available to teach ESL in
>Korea, I am very interested in a position that would
>be available starting in June 2006. I would love to
>have the opportunity to enhance the skills I already
>use teaching students in ESL in an enviroment that is
>outside of the United States.
>As indicated on the attached resume, I have the
>credentials required for this position and truly
>belive I will be the best candidate. Currently, I am
>the Student Reassignment Center Coordinator for the
>Judson Secondary Alternative School. In this position,
>I am required to work with students coming from a
>General Education, Special Education, Autistic, ESL,
>504 and Dyslexic setting. I Because I work with all
>student backgrounds, I also interact with various
>parent backgrounds. Being in this position provides me
>the opportunity to interact with people when things
>are at their worst. This has allowed me to perfect the
>skills necessary to promote an effective and
>harmonious academic environment for each student
>placed here. As I am the person who developed this
>program for the district, I communicate very
>effectively with parents, teachers, staff and
>administrators from each of the six sites sending
>students to me.
>My eight years experience as a Parent Group
>facilitator further enhances my overall ability to
>work with parent, faculty and staff. I embrace the
>village assisting in education the child and always
>welcome the experiences.
>I am also a teacher (part-time) for students receiving
>credit for taking classes on-line. I enroll the
>students in their various classes and monitor their
>In the Judson ISD community, all personnel are
>required to multi-task as well as stay flexible and
>organized at the same time. Based on my experience and
>proven track record in this district, I have been
>given the trust and opportunities to develop new
>Muriel T. Clack
Muriel T. Clack 618 Amistad Blvd.
Universal City, TX 78148
Home: 210-945-0989
Cell: 210-216-0516


Actively seeking a challenging and responsible position which will fully utilize my acquired skills, abilities and knowledge with an organization offering advancement opportunities. As a behavior specialist, I seek an opportunity to enable and guide students to become more responsible for their own education and behaviors.


Judson Secondary Alternative School
August 2002 - Present SRC Teacher Converse, TX
As a district Behavior Specialist, I developed this 10-day placement of students in grades 6 - 12 in the Alternative School setting. The Student Reassignment Center is a "wake-up" call allowing students to acknowlwdge and correct behaviors that could possibly send students on to the Alternative School or the Boot Camp. I am responsible for the SRC budget. I am also responsible for wotking with students in ESL classes.

Judson ISD
September 2003 - Present Adult Education/Credit Recovery Teacher Converse, TX
Students who wish to recover credits lost or missing may take this class to earn them. All core subjects are presented on the PLATO computer program. Students are given three hours daily (in the afternoon) for four days a week and 24 days total. I monitor students progress and add classes as one is completed. There is no direct instruction as each subject per student is self-paced.

Judson Secondary Alternative School
November 2003 - Present Parent Group Facilitator Converse, TX
Began a Parent Support Group for parents in the Judson ISD who have children in the Alternative School. This program allows parents to share both positive and negative experiences in parenting teens. Guest speakers are brought in to provide expert information on a variety of topics.

San Antonio Special Education Co-Op
August 2001 - December 2002 SPED Teacher/ARD Facilitator San Antonio, TX
Developed the SPED Program for three San Antonio Area Charter Schools; Jubilee Academic Center, La Escuela de las Americas, and Southwest Preperatory (PK-12, PK-2, 9-12). Had in place a self-contained setting, resource classroom, and CMC. Responsible for ALL IEP's and ARD's.

DOE Hawaii & Various Texas Cities
August 2000 - May 2001 Travel Teacher Kaneohe, HI
Special Education Travel Teacher increasing my education in diverse academic settings. Taking this year allowed me to observe special education services being offered in a variety of multicultural settings. I also taught in Del Valle and San Antonio, Texas to gain further experience.

Judson Independent School District
August 1996 - May 2000 FOCUS Teacher Converse, TX
As the person asked by the district ti develop this program, I monitored progress of student caseload to graduation. Developed programming to best assist students at risk with emotional/behavioral disorders. Conducted annual rewiews of Individual Educational Placement. Provided individualized instruction for students. Also provided the opportunity for students to regain composure to refrain from negative behaviors in academic settings. I was also responsible for working with students in ESL classes.

Spring Quarter SCSU
February 1996 - April 1996 Student Teacher Austin, TX
Lamar Middle School Self-Contained Unit grades 6 - 8.

Winter Quarter SCSU
October 1995 - January 1996 Students Teacher Sells, AZ
Baboquivarir Middle/High School Tohono O'odham Reservation. Self-contained Unit grades 6-12.

Fall Quarter SCSU
August 1995 - October 1995 Student Teacher St Cloud, MN
Talahi Elementary/Children's Home Unit

Self-contained unit for grades 2- 5. Emotional/behavioral disorders.

St. Cloud State University Campus Child Care Center
August 1992 - May 1995 Parent Educator St. Cloud, MN
Developed a program designed to assist students, staff and faculty in developing parenting skills. Implemented a training course for guest facilitators which included instruction in public speaking. Monitored class objectives and prepared quarterly reports for Department Heads and University President. Developed and maintained responsibility for the budget used in the parenting rogram.

Lear Siegler, Inc.
June 1985 - August 1992 Human Resources Administrative Assistant Randolph Air Force Base, TX
Provided admiinistrative support services to Human Resources with duties including in-processing and out-processing of employees, file maintenance of EEO/AA records, payroll and quarterly status reports on recruiting and hiring practices at Bergstrom and Randolph AFBs.


St. Cloud State University
May 1996 Bachelor of Science
Special Education St. Cloud, MN
Minor - Human Relations

Kappa Delta Pi Graduate


Judson Secondary Alternative School Distinquished Educator - 2005

National Youth Leadership Forum Award for Outstanding Service - 2000

St. Cloud State University Award for Excellence in Leadership - 1996

Who's Who In Americas Colleges and Universities - 1996

Volunteer Experience

Site Based Decision Making Committee

Parent Involvement Co-Chairperson

School Insurance Representative

Multicultural Children's Arts Connection

Special Olympics

Laubach Literacy Tutoring

St. Cloud Diversity Speaker Panel


Kathryn Korelich, Principal

Judson Secondary Alternative School

9327 Schaefer Road

Converse, Texas 78109



Gail T. Raney, SPED Director

San Antonio Charter Schools Special Education CO-OP

1248 Austin Hwy

San Antonio, TX 78209



Walter Harchut, SPED Department Chair

Judson Senior High School

9142 FM 78

Converse, TX 78109


The secret of education is respecting the pupil. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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