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Subject: Re: ESL teaching positions in Korea

Muriel T. Clack
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Date Posted: 11:07:44 01/09/06 Mon
In reply to: GERARD AGBEKO TETTEY 's message, "Re: ESL teaching positions in Korea" on 03:03:40 06/23/04 Wed

Ms. Kim,

If there are still positions available to teach ESL in Korea, I am very interested in a position that would be available starting in June 2006. I would love to have the opportunity to enhance the skills I already use teaching students in ESL in an enviroment that is outside of the United States.

As indicated on the attached resume, I have the credentials required for this position and truly belive I will be the best candidate. Currently, I am the Student Reassignment Center Coordinator for the Judson Secondary Alternative School. In this position, I am required to work with students coming from a General Education, Special Education, Autistic, ESL, 504 and Dyslexic setting. I Because I work with all student backgrounds, I also interact with various parent backgrounds. Being in this position provides me the opportunity to interact with people when things are at their worst. This has allowed me to perfect the skills necessary to promote an effective and harmonious academic environment for each student placed here. As I am the person who developed this program for the district, I communicate very effectively with parents, teachers, staff and administrators from each of the six sites sending students to me.

My eight years experience as a Parent Group facilitator further enhances my overall ability to work with parent, faculty and staff. I embrace the village assisting in education the child and always welcome the experiences.

I am also a teacher (part-time) for students receiving credit for taking classes on-line. I enroll the students in their various classes and monitor their progress.

In the Judson ISD community, all personnel are required to multi-task as well as stay flexible and organized at the same time. Based on my experience and proven track record in this district, I have been given the trust and opportunities to develop new programs.

Muriel T. Clack

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Re: ESL teaching positions in KoreaMuriel T. Clack11:09:19 01/09/06 Mon

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