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Date Posted: 08:45:30 02/17/05 Thu
Author: John
Subject: Hurricane Treasure

Check out this story... We had Bob Weller speak at our last club meeting and this is one he shared. Use the link below. This guy was the first and only hunter on the beach as the hurricane ended.

Also, I learned that the proliferation of Spanish coins were found with Minelab detectors, specifically Sovereigns with 15" coils. They were the only ones that could get the depth in the black sand. CZ's lost almost 50% depth because of the black sand and the 10.5" coil kept falsing unless the sensitivity was turned down. This problem is specific to the Florida Treasure beach area.

The famous spanish cross that was found there was with a Sovereign and a 15" coil at about 15 inches depth. As were several other gold and silver coins I know of that were found there.

Some of the guys that made big finds plan on going beyond the Sovereign to the GP 3000 for future storms. Depth is everything on the treasure beaches... the right detector helps along with the waves washing the beach away.

Read the story.

Hurricane Treasure

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