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Date Posted: 09:30:30 02/10/20 Mon
Author: oswa1029 (kurt.hopkins@interneventmanagement.com)
Subject: Have a Company Travel Budget? Sign Up for Remote Seminars in Vacation Locations!
In reply to: kat0721 's message, "Loaf at Home with Rocketmatter / Act-On Webinar Promotions" on 15:42:43 10/09/19 Wed

Spend Company Time and Money

useless seminars with useless people

Are you [kurt.hopkins@interneventmanagement.com] getting tired of work? Thought so. Well, this is your lucky day! Trueventus offer amazing seminar opportunities with no risk of ever getting your money back! Plus, you pay international rates when you phone +60 3 77818733 to complain. Either way, you are unlikely to make money fast.

small-chested teen in pink bra and panties 1200x1800 Your company is just itching to provide you with a paid vacation on the other side of the world, where you can meet interesting people and catch interesting diseases. Person illustrated may not have any diseases, but may also be unavailable. So, choose your Trueventus travel expert to get started:

The best part is the guarantee:
  • If a seminar is a waste of time,
  • there is no need to tell the boss,
  • and accounting can still reimburse!

  That means there is almost no risk, and it already sounds exciting! So you probably want to sign up for a non-refundable seminar today. After all, even if the seminar is a load of bollocks, you can still enjoy getting out and dining on the expense account.

Trueventus. When you need a vacation on someone else's dime.
Unit 2B-23A-02 Plaza Sentral
Jalen Stesen Sentral 5
Kuala Lumpur 50470
cutercounter.com [Erdogan has tiny fingers]
group of asian ladies in bikinis 1024x683 group of asian teens in bikinis 2661x1600
Illustrations are offered purely as motivational aids. There is little likelihood that anyone involved with the seminars in any wise resembles illustrations. The hope is that you might find someone local who appears similar to illustrations while you are the seminar venue, and they can help you lose money fast. Questions? Ask them now, people in this "work at home" forum are eager to help!

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  • Work At Home after Being Sacked for Sending Goods and Money to Overseas Order Scammer -- rica0105 (admin@nmnctrading.com), 15:16:58 02/14/21 Sun
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