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Date Posted: 15:42:43 10/09/19 Wed
Author: kat0721 (webinars@rocketmatter.com)
Subject: Loaf at Home with Rocketmatter / Act-On Webinar Promotions

Waste Time with Webinars

save money - "attend" in your underwear

If you are stuck [nefra@rocketmatter.com] with no future and a fairly miserable present, then you could consider self-improvement through convincing education. Probably being smarter would help, but that is hard to accomplish. Maybe just having more education would make you more employable.

That is where the wonders of webinars help. You may be physically stuck in Mom's basement, but you can attend virtual classes until you are as educated as Einstein. All told, not only can you accomplish absolutely nothing, but you will not make money fast!

girl doing sit-ups 1000x649 There are so many advantages:
  1. no need to travel
  2. no meal expenses
  3. no hotel expenses
  4. no need to change clothes
  5. mom thinks you are doing something useful
  6. you can borrow the tuition money
You would be crazy not to attend a webinar right away.

Now that you know all this, you can hardly wait to sign up for webinars. The first one is usually free or steeply discounted. This gives you the opportunity to learn about other, more expensive, offerings. So keep your wallet handy, when you waste time with webinars!

Consider the Rocketmatter experts as your opportunity to escape your dull, everyday work life:
  1. info@rocketmatter.com
  2. kim@rocketmatter.com
  3. larry@rocketmatter.com
  4. nathan@rocketmatter.com
  5. nefra@rocketmatter.com
  6. opportunities@rocketmatter.com
  7. webinars@rocketmatter.com
For a reasonably steep price, you just pick the members and assemble your own custom team of experts!
girl preparing to pole vault 960x1200

And there are webinars on so many topics, there are sure to be some that meet your needs. Sign up and learn about:

  1. Free webinars
  2. Expensive webinars promoted at free webinars
  3. Why you should pay for expensive webinars
  4. Health care webinars
  5. Unwanted e-mail from webinar promoters
In many cases, you may be able to pass these things off as though they were real continuing education opportunities. So, when you have time to kill and no inclination to actually do anything, you should sign up for a webinar!

Many webinar vendors offer a guarantee:
  • if a webinar is a complete waste of time,
  • you may "attend" another at no extra cost!
Ask today, enroll tomorrow.
Rocket Matter
5301 N. Federal Hwy, Apt 230
Boca Raton, FL 33487
cutercounter.com [turkish tiny fingers]
girl kneeling in gymnastics costume 2336x3504 girl throwing javelin 1200x800
Webinar deliverables are packed by weight, not by volume. Some content may settle during shipment. Persons likely to snore are asked to mute their audio devices.

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