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Subject: Re: Dear Random dude who I thew water at

pyscho jerry
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Date Posted: 16:46:58 10/30/05 Sun
In reply to: Neables 's message, "Dear Random dude who I thew water at" on 19:10:20 10/22/05 Sat

>This really fuckin' random, but I have got to
>apologize for throwing water in someone's face after
>the UK Subs show. I thought this dude had been
>spitting beer at me for the whole show to piss me off
>because I'm straight-edge. Regardless of whether he
>was spitting specifically on me, he pretty drunk, and
>my later actions were utterly uncalled for. After the
>show, I saw the same guy and his friends and they were
>totally friendly and called me over. In poor and
>assholish judgement, I playfully threw water at him.
>Things escalated, I tried weakly to explain myself but
>did not really apologize. Point is, I was a bit of an
>asshole and have no excuse. I don't come to the RBC
>frequently enough and I didn't really know what to do
>in that situation, now I understand the concept that
>most dickheaded mayhem stays in the pit. To the dude
>who I threw the water at, my apologies, I hope we meet
>again in person so I can apologize face to face. But
>if not... well fuck
>UK subs were fucking awesome and I had a great time at
>the show,
>RBC, you are the best club in Dallas
red shirt, apologies accepted. not an issue. first off i had no idea of you being straight edge i respect your beliefs and yes i get blotto drunk on most outtings but thats just me the old school psycho fuck. yet lat me inform you that i wasnt targeting you or anyone with some random acts of beer spitting thats just the old schools ways of showing my love of the slam, band and people. understand your whereabouts and the people around you and know that you were pissing a few people off, hell i love pissing people off myself ... ask anyone who knows me. anyway good times and be safe

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Re: Dear Random dude who I thew water atMouse Ramone20:03:26 10/31/05 Mon
Re: Dear Random dude who I thew water atwww.roberttrevino.com17:28:54 11/01/05 Tue

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