- Judge Jacki <lol> -- Jacki Morgan, 13:08:26 01/30/06 Mon [1]
What a FANTASTIC idea this board is!! Greetings and Salutations from Westover! My name is Jacki Morgan and I am the Director of the Florence Merow Mason~Dixon Festival pageants held in Morgantown on the 3rd weekend of each and every September. I myself will be looking for qualified judges in the near future for all of my pageants. But at this time I am willing to possibly judge a few of yours!
You may ask what my credentials are. GOOD QUESTION! I was first a pageant mother, my daughter was the Mason~Dixon Queen in 2000 where I coached her to the top 15 in Charleston in 2001. She won the "Miss Congeniality" title on her own! We worked hard for her to win the title of Miss West Virginia United States Teen in 2001. She hung up her acrylic heels, but I was smitten by the pageant bug. During that time I was helping out with the Monongalia County Fair Queens Pageant, Little Mister Pageant and Talent Show. I have been the Mason-Dixon pageant director for 4 years now.
I have worked with various young ladies in helping them not only win titles but also to achieve their personal best. Be it in personal interview, modeling or stage presence. I do it out of a love of pageantry and the happiness I get when I see the delight on a child’s face when they master a skill that they thought was beyond their reach.
I have judged mostly fairs and festivals pageants and several semi-glitz. I am willing to learn!
On a personal note- I am in my 10th year with the Read Aloud Proud Players. An adult acting troupe that brings a children’s book to life for over 6,500 elementary school children in my county. I volunteer with the West Virginia Special Olympics as a Buddy Leader and feel a special connection with several athletes that I keep in contact with year round. This year I have been afforded the opportunity to be involved with the Miss Ability Pageant. This will give me the chance to mix both my skills with young ladies with special needs and my passion for pageantry. What an awesome experience that will be for me. How blessed could one lady be???
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- Seeking experience as a pageant judge -- Kathy Hardway, 16:02:51 07/23/06 Sun [1]
I am a pageant fanatic!!! I started in the fairs and festivals system as a pageant mom. When my daughter aged out, I began coaching various girls in the Moundsville area including Miss LWR 2004 and Miss Ellenboro Glass Festival 2005.
I am a medical laboratory technician at an area hospital (28 years) and was a prom/bridal associate at Kaufman's of Downtown Wheeling for 4 years, providing much experience in dressing winners!
I would be a fair and impartial judge and would take pains in making each girl feel that they are winners already. It is very important as a judge to build and maintain the self exteem of each girl in pageantry while being constructive not destructive.
If interest, I can be reached at the email provided.
Thank you for your consideration.
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- Pageant Judge -- Peggy Cochran, 14:34:41 03/21/05 Mon [4]
I am the mother of 2 girls ages 22 and 24 who are no longer in the pageant/talent loop, however I have experienced all aspects of pageantry and talent that any mother could possibly do.
I did pageants as a child (Our Little Miss) and as a teen and continued the path with my girls which led us to many national titles where the won over 30,000.000 in scholarship money.
We traveled the beaten path to dance class mostly 4 nights a week for many years where we ended up on Star Seacrch and Sabado Gigante just to mention a few.
I have had experience on both sides of the fence as a contestants and as a judge.
I am a former hairdresser and have taught numerous modeling classes as well.
I also ran a local pageant for @ 10 years.
I really enjoy the pageants and talent competitions and am saddened to not be involved anymore----Give me some granddaughters (lol)
Anyway-thanks for reading and if I can be of assistance to your upcoming pageant--give me a call.
Keep on smiling,
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- Need a pageant judge? -- pageantjudge4u, 08:36:09 01/23/07 Tue [1]
I failed to mention that I am located in Alabama. Thanks
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- - Director of Miss WV Fourth of July -- Cody Layton, 19:53:03 05/20/06 Sat [1]
I have been involved in pageants now for overmany girls in pageants who has received many titles including runners up, Miss Congeniality,and Miss Photogenic, Queen and all placed in top ten. If you need a judge I am willing to judge any time, just please e-mail me. I attend Davis and Elkins Private College majoring in biology to become a Pharmacist. I have also helped with Miss Petersburg High School Pageant and Jr. High Pageants for two years. I also ran an online photo contest for two sucessful years,which I decided to retire from. I am currently the Director and President of Miss WV Fourth of July Scholarship Pageant. I try to get involved as much as possible! If you ever need an extra judge to save money, I have a friend in mind who is into pageantry as well. e-mail me at codylayton2004@yahoo.com or check out our web site http://missindependenceday.tripod.com
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- Need a judge -- pageant judge, 08:27:07 01/23/07 Tue [1]
I am looking to gain experience as a pageant judge. If you have a preliminary coming up, and are in need of a judge...please contact me. I may be able to help. Thanks
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- Judge -- Sylvia Sealey, 11:52:08 01/17/07 Wed [1]
I am located in South Carolina,interested in judging beauty pageants. I have two daughters who are now ages 26 & 20. We were very active in pageants when they were smaller. I have travel all over South Carolina with them to be in pageants, and they won a couple of titles and placed in the top 10. I am a comptroller at a automobile dealership and have a good head on my shoulders. I am open minded and I am fair minded. I give my complete attention to whatever task that I am doing.
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- Looking to add to my list of judges for a Michigan State Pageant -- Teri/Shining Stars Pageant Inc., 10:38:07 11/14/06 Tue [1]
I am looking for judges to add to my list. Please e-mail me with your qualifications, what pageants you have judged, what you think about natural and glitz pageants.
My state pageants are in Michigan, in Feb. of every year.
I look forward in hearing from you.
Shining Stars Pageant Inc. (tm)
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- WV AUTUMN FESTIVAL SEEKS CONTESTANTS -- Sue Loyd, 15:16:33 08/15/06 Tue [1]

Pageant Banners
Don't miss the Early Bird!
Visit our website for details.
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- Pageant Judge -- Renee Cain, 12:43:14 07/23/06 Sun [1]
Hello Everyone - I just wanted to throw my hat into the ring to serve as your pageant judge. I have been the director of the LWF River Fest Pageant Program since 1999, a mother of pageant candidates before that and have start judging this year. I take this responsibility very seriously and am dedicated to finding the best queen to represent your festival. I don't have a set fee, but appreciate having my gas expenses reimbursed and if I need to travel over 2 hours (especially for an evening pageant) I would appreciate overnight accomodations. My sister-in-law, Judy Roberts, is also a pageant director, professional photographer and pageant judge. We are willing to travel together and thus save expenses. Please feel free to contact us for your event.
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- Pageant Judge -- Kelley Keenan, 11:21:18 06/05/05 Sun [1]
Hello Everyone!
My name is Kelley. I have been involved in the pageant industry for over 25 years as a contestant, trainer/coach/imageconsultant, pageant mom, pageant director of 5 Star Beauties Natural Pageant System, local, State and National Level Judge, Online Photo Contest Owner, Seamstress, and i provide services of Hair and Makeup to contestants at pageants.
I keep my self updated with the lastest trends on clothing and the pageant "look". I will travel up to an hour with only gas reinburstment. If i have to have lodging I require the lodging to be paid for also.
I am highly qualified and I am eager to judge!! Please email me if you are interested in my services!
Thanks so much,
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- Pageant Judge Available -- Kristi Atha-Rader, 18:30:24 06/04/06 Sun [1]
I am available to judge in WV or VA with 12 years of experience in pageantry as a contestant, director, judge, and emcee. I have judged WVAFF pageants, children's pageants (glitz & non-glitz), and more. Please email me at KAtha17@aol.com
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- Pageant Judge -- Leah Nicholson, 10:34:50 03/19/05 Sat [2]
I am a pageant judge, now serving the WV, OH, and VA area. I have 20 years experience in pageants, ranging from 15 years of contestant experience, 3 years judging experience, and also 3 years of experience as a director. I have been judged from: WVAFF pageants, commerical, pro-am, giltz and non-giltz, including pageants like The Cowen Railroad Fest, The Clay Golden Delicious, Classic Pageants, Sunburst Pre-lims, and many more to name. I have references available, and take pageants very seriously if they are small or big.
I am a former Miss Hawaiian Tropic WV representative and Sunburst Queen. If you have any questions feel free to email me. Hope to hear from you soon.
Leah Nicholson
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- Available for judging -- Sue Loyd, Diamond Pageant Systems & WV Homecoming Reunion, 10:48:37 03/15/05 Tue [0]
I am available for judging pageants including fairs & festivals, commercial (both glitz and non glitz, pro am modeling too). I have judged pageants for over ten years and been involved in many aspects of pageantry for over 13 years including being a pageant mom, directing, judging, choreography, coaching and tabulating. I have also done some photography and design work and written many event promos. I have judged for systems too numeorus to mention including Hawaiian Tropic and Little Miss West Virginia and many festivals including Cowen Railroad, Upshur County Fair, Mercer County Bluestone Valley Fair, Nicholas County Potato Festival and many more. I have also judged several talent competitions through pageants and local, state and national karaoke competitions. I will consider judging in states other than WV.
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- Available to Judge -- Kristi Atha-Rader, 12:00:31 04/04/06 Tue [1]
Hello! My name is Kristi Atha-Rader, and I have been involved in pageantry for about 12 years as a director, contestant, and judge. If I am availble, I would love to be a judge for any pageants in this part of the U.S. Please contact me if you need more info or if you need a judge!
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- Looking for judges to add to our list...please email -- Pageant Director, 06:58:08 03/06/06 Mon [1]
We are looking for judges to add to our list. We are looking for qualified, honest and esperience judges. Pageants to be held in the Kentucky,. Viriginia, West Virginia, Ohio and Tennessee area. IF you are intersted email bio, experience and reference to us. along with your fees and travel expenses.
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- Pageant Judge or Consultant -- Betty Burns, 06:55:47 06/05/05 Sun [-1]
I have been involved on every level of pageantry for over 12 years.
For over 10 years, I competed my daughter and niece in over 80 different systems in 5 different states. Experience came from natural, hobby and full glitz on a pre-lim, state and national level.
I have had my own successful pageant system for over 7 years now and I also consult for 3 other systems that produce pageantry here in West Virginia. I have coached modeling and interview in the past, but no longer do so because I felt it was a conflict of interest with my directing and judging.
I have judged in 3 different states for several different types of pageants. At one point, I even ran a judges certification program. There are several different types of pageants out there. . childrens commercial beauty (glitz & natural), fairs & festivals, Teen & Miss programs, scholarship pageants (Cinderella & AJM),. . .all of these have different judging criteria and I have experience in all.
I am available with atleast a 2 week notice. If you are looking for an open and honest judge, I can be reached at 304-252-4769 or click on my name at the top to email.
Pageant must be a legitimate event and not held in Beckley. This is my home base and I do not judge here because of my contact with potential contestants.
If you would like pageant references, please email or call and I can give you director's contact info with whom I have worked with.
Good Luck to all in their endeavors!!
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- Judge -- Connie Sizemore, 03:17:38 03/16/05 Wed [1]
I have been involved in Pageantry for the past 20 years, as a volunteer, pageant mom to director. I have judged for WVAFF pageants, commercial, pro-am, glitz, non-glitz from 0 thru 22 years of age. I am currently the Pageant Director of the Clay County Golden Delicious Festival and have been for the past 8 years.
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- Mother and Daughter Judges Available....Contact us -- Dee & Bessie, 04:13:20 10/22/05 Sat [1]
We are a mother and daughter team. We have had 7 years experience in pageantry. We have been judging for 5 years. We are directors of 3 pageant systems. We have judged on many different levels from natural to national level glitz. Can provide bio and experiences. Contact us for more information.
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- Pageant Judge -- Jenny Sullivan, 12:13:33 03/25/05 Fri [1]
Hi, my name is Jenny Sullivan. I'm the co-director of the Miss WV Interstate Fair Scholarship Pageant, and I've been a hostess at the Miss WV Association of Fairs & Festivals Pageant for 19 years. I've also served as a staff member at Miss USA and Teen-USA preliminary pageants in West Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, and Indiana. I've also worked with the Mrs. America and America's Perfect Teen Pageants. I've been judging pageants for 16 years.
My sister Melissa Burton, who is the executive director of the Miss WV Interstate Fair Scholarship Pageant, is also an experienced judge. We are willing to travel together, thus sharing expenses.
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- Wanting to start judging pageants!!! -- Cody Kristofer Layton, 15:08:57 08/23/05 Tue [1]
I am a guy who is 20 years old and has been in the pagentry business for over 5 years now.. In the last few years i have been coaching 2 girls in pageants and one being many runners up, even queen and the other placing many times in top ten... now that they are old enough to not do pageants any more, I would like to start judging pageants. If you need a judge i am willing to judge any time, just please e-mail me. I go to Davis and Elkins Private College majoring in biology to become a pharmacist so i have a good head on my shoulders.. I have also helped with 3 high school pageants, Miss Petersburg High School and Miss JR. Petersburg High School. We have also had an online photo pageant for 2 sucessfull years, Miss online usa beauty queen which we decided to retire from.My good friend, and the pageant girl I have been working with who is also 20 years old is also wanting to start judging as well so if you need one or 2 extra judges please let us know! thanks so much
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- Just making preliminary plans..... -- Renee Cain, 06:48:54 08/20/05 Sat [1]
We are busily planning for next years festival with our pageant program to be held on Saturday, June 17th. How far in advance do judges like to be invited and confirmed ?
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- Pageant Judges Needed -- Kristi Atha-Rader, 16:22:56 08/08/05 Mon [1]
I have had some judges to cancel on me for the Oak Leaf Festival Pageant on Saturday, August 27th in Oak Hill WV. If anyone is available to judge please contact me ASAP at KAtha17@aol.com
Kristi Atha-Rader
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- Judge -- Jerry L. Corley, 17:19:40 08/01/05 Mon [1]
I just found out about this board and am available to judge pageants. I am a retired Professor of Business. I have taught at Marshall Universary, Concord College and Bluefield State as well as teaching for several Business Colleges in Morgantown, Ironton, Ohio and Bluefield, Va. I hold two masters degree from WVU and a C.S.A. In Technology Education from VA Tech. I am a certified judge in the Miss America system, and was a former executive director for eight years of the Miss Southern WV and Greater Bluefield Pageants which were locals for the Miss West Virginia system. I have judge pageants in Ohio, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia and have judged over 200 pageants. My e-mail address is jlcorley2004@msn.com
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- Mother and Daughter Judges Available....Contact us if you are interested in -- adding us to your judges list, 17:28:05 07/25/05 Mon [1]
You contact us and we will provide you with a bio and experience in pageantry with you.
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- Pageant judging! -- Michael Rader, 19:27:24 07/10/05 Sun [1]
Hello, I am Michael Rader. I am currently the co- director of the Cherry River Festival pageants and also helped with the WV Timber and Wood Product Show pageant and the Craigsville Fall Festival Queen's pageant. I have been around pageants since I was eight years old. My mother was a pageant director and then decided to give it up; however, I always stayed interested in pageants. I have also helped numerous girls from my area place and win.
I have judged pageants around the state in every age category up to 22 years old and am very honest and up front. I also judged a pageant when I was 12 in Charolette, NC. I check the WV Voy board frequently and attend pageants whenever I get the chance to. I keep updated with the pageant world and know whats in and whats out.
I would be happy and love to judge or help with any pageant.
Thank you,
Michael :)
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- Hi Judges, Directors, and Emcees -- visit the http://www.pageanthub.com, 18:47:23 07/10/05 Sun [1]
Then click on Resources and click the service map. Then click on the state you are from! This makes it easy for a director in a certian state to find judges, emcees or photographers on a high traffic website!!!
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- Pageant Judge -- Vicki Kerrigan-Director Miss WV Law Enforcement Pageants, 17:57:20 07/10/05 Sun [1]
My name is Vicki Kerrigan, I have been a pageant director for over 19 years....I am the founder/director of the Miss WV Law Enforcement Pageants (Pre-Teen,Teen,Queen,Ms. and Mrs. Pageantts), I am also the founder/director of the WV Law Enforcement Childrens Pageant and the Miss/Junior-Miss Snowflake Pageants. I have judged many fairs and festivals pageants throughout WV and also other pageant systems. I am willing to travel within the states WV,OH,PA, KY and VA.If you would like me to judge your pageant e-mail me with your name and phone number.
Thank You,
Vicki Kerrigan
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- Homecoming Pageant -- Director, 19:25:08 06/23/05 Thu [1]

Event: WV Homecoming Reunion Festival Pageant
Date: Teen (age 13-15)and Queens (age 16-24*)Saturday September 24th
Junior Royalty (8 Age Divisions) Sunday September 25th
Location: Award winning Flatwoods Days Inn,
Exit 67 off I-79 Flatwoods, WV
Great Crowns, Great Sashes, Great Prize Packages, Lots of Fun
Contacts: Diane Persinger (304)872-9288 dpersinger@wirefire.com or Sue at (304)765-7602 shanghaisurprise@verizon.net
Early entries make for better prize packages...
So Dont Delay..Get your Entry In Today!!!!

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- Qualified Judge -- Shauna McGrew, 05:21:07 06/07/05 Tue [1]
I have been involved in the pageant industry for 12 years as a contestant, judge, director, producer, and emcee. I have held titles in the WVAFF system, including Mrs. WV-America '02, and was recently crowned Mrs. WV United States '05. I have directed and produced the Miss Parkersburg Homecoming Festival pageant for the last four years, and currently work as a homemaker, and pageant/image consultant. I am knowledgeable in the WVAFF, Miss America, Miss USA, and Mrs. systems. My platform is "Right Choices" which encourages and mentors young women to make positive choices. I embrace every opportunity to make a difference in the lives of our state's young women of tomorrow. I invite you to log on to wvuspageant.com to view the WV-United States website.
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- Pageant Judge -- Kristina Longfellow, 07:19:03 05/13/05 Fri [1]
Hello, I just was made aware of this site and wanted to add my name. I have been the director of the Jackson County Junior Fair Queen Pageant for the past 5 years and was the assistant director for 5 years prior to that. I am also the director of the Jackson County Junior Fair Teen and Pre-Teen Pageants. We are affiliated with the WV Association of Fairs & Festivals organization.
I am also the co-director for the Miss Teen Ohio Valley and Miss Teen South Central Pageant, which are preliminaries to the Miss Teen WV America Pageant (MAO). I am a certified judge in the Miss America Scholarship Organization and LOVE the world of pageantry. I have had the honor of judging birth - 21 year olds in the past and have always been a stickler on only giving constructive critism.
I am a graduate of West Virginia University with a degree in Business Administration and enjoy judging and watching pageants. If you are in need of a judge and I meet your criteria, please do not hesitate to contact me via my e-mail. Thanks!
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- Available for Judging -- Alison Turner, 11:04:23 05/12/05 Thu [1]
I am a current pageant director in Va, and have served as a state level director for Liberty America pageants before beginning my own system with a dear friend.
I hold a BS degree in Mass Communications where I studied professional photography. I have over 9 years experience in photo shoots for catalog work and advertising design. I have worked with live models for print work and have been a key decision maker in model selection and the sole decision maker for photo selection. I have also worked as a beauty advisor for the beComing line of cosmetics. I have been involved in pageantry since 1989, but most actively in the past 2 years. References will be provided per your request. I would love to judge your pageants and as a mom, I treat all contestants the way I would like my daughter treated...with the upmost respect.
I am a stickler for comments. Unless otherwise instructed, I will nicely let the parent know where points were deducted and make suggestions to help the contestant better prepare for the next pageant. I will also stay for questions following the pageant, should the director wish. I judge based on the criteria I am provided with. I am most comfortable judging natural and semi-glitz, but I do have glitz experience.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Thank you very much!
Alison Turner
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- Pageant Judges Needed -- Renee Cain, 13:43:07 04/28/05 Thu [1]
Greetings from Worthington.
Riverfest 2005 is looking for 2 judges for it's June 18th and 19th pageant. Pageant competition is 1 p.m. daily.
Pageant judges are responsible for judging our Jr. Miss, Teen Miss and Miss LWF contestants. We also ask that they write comment cards for our Little Miss and Mr. Competition.
Our judges compensation is quite comprehensive including lodging should it be needed (travel time must be greater than 1 hour), reasonable gas reimbursement with receipts and food concession vouchers. We aren't a wealthy
festival, but we try to treat you right. Smile !!!
I will gladly mail out judges packets upon your confirmation of your availabilty.
Thank you ahead of time. We look forward to meeting you in June.
Renee Cain
Pageant Director
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- Pageant Judge -- Jennifer Lopez, 19:45:30 03/24/05 Thu [1]
Hello, my name is Jennifer Lopez and I believe in representing the pageant system with honor and dignity. I have attended various pageants in the past and it would be a priviledge for me to judge your next pageant.
Thank You,
Jennifer Lopez
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- Judge -- Marcella Charles, 16:29:29 03/24/05 Thu [1]
Hi, my name is Marcella Charles, I have been involved in pageantry for over 16 years. I am the mother of a son who is 12 years old that competed frequently as an infant and toddler and I now have a 17 month old daughter who competes regularly. I have served as a volunteer, director, and board member of our community Fair pageants, the Magnolia Fair. I have judged, tabulated, assisted and directed at pageants. I am currently the Principal of a local high school and just have a love for the pageant world. If you need assistance don't hesitate to contact me. I will try to be a professional and efficient judge for those needing my services. mcharles@access.k12.wv.us
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- Pageant Judge -- Suzanne Wine, 16:36:46 03/21/05 Mon [1]
Hi, My name is Suzanne Wine. I have been involved in pageantry for nearly 15 years. I have been a board member and co-director of the West Virginia Autumn Festial for 11 years. I have Judged, Tabulated, and Directed Pageants. I enjoy the positive side of pageantry and leaving positive comments for the contestants. You may email me at suziewine@verizon.net
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- Judge -- Sandy Fisher, 08:04:49 03/15/05 Tue [2]
I just became aware of this site and would like to add my name as a potential judge for area pageants. 26 yrs. experience on local, state & national level. Present or prior association with children's pageants, Fairs and Festivals, the Miss America, Miss USA and Mrs. America pageant systems.
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- Pageant Judge -- Annette Hare, Dir. Monongalia County Fair, 12:59:52 03/19/05 Sat [1]
I am Annette Hare current director of the Monongalia County Queen's Scholarship Pageant. This will be my 6th year of chairing in 2005. I have been involved with pageantry for over 20 years. I have tought modeling and still do. I was the 2004 Mrs. WV Pageant contestant co-ordinator and stage manager. I have judged pageants from beauty, to talent,cheerleading,majorette, done interviews,arranged talent shows and I just love pageants and talking to contestants. I was also a past judges hostess for the Miss WV preliminary held here in Morgantown. I have been the director of the Little Mr. Mon. County for 14 years. I own and operate my own beauty salone and teach modeling to all ages, boys and girls.
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- Judge -- Phyllis Carr, 19:22:20 03/16/05 Wed [1]
I just found out about this site and would like to add my name as a potential judge for area pageants. I have over 25 years experience on local and state levels. I have been a executive director for a local pageant for the Miss America system since 1995, executive director for a local pageant for the Hick Festival in Tucker County with 9 to 13 year olds for 20 years, and have judged many pageants throughout WV from infants to 24 year old young women. E-mail me at mtnmama621@hotmail.com
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- Please do not post personal information -- VOY Forum Administrator, 09:06:38 03/15/05 Tue [1]
We will not be responsible for any accidents or incidents that occur if you post personal information such as your home address, mailing address or telephone number. Please use your email address only as your source of contact when posting. Once you have been contacted how you maintain communication is up to you and whoever you are communicating with.
This is for the protection of everyone involved.
We want to know your name, experience, if you are seeking experience, types of pagesnt you have judged (fairs & festivals,commercial, pro am modeling, glitz, non glitz, etc.)certifications and training. Also, if you are seeking judges you may want to list your name, event name, dates, times, ages of contestants and what you are looking for in a judge and what the judges should look for and be qualified in plus your email for all postings so people can respond directly to you as opposed to posting replies on the board.
Thank you, Forum Admin.
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