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Date Posted: 23:34:41 06/21/03 Sat
Author: dsafa
Subject: O.K. Boys and Girls! It’s Marathon Monday! Woo Hoo!

(The Stargate synopsis come from Beth’s DEDICATED TO STARGATE site.)

First up we have MacGyver in


MacGyver rescues a retired actor and his wife when they stop at a motel on the way to Los Angeles. Mac is there to meet a mobster-turned-informant friend, but the meeting goes wrong and Mac´s friend is killed (you know… it’s DANGEROUS being Mac’s friend sometimes, isn’t it? LOL!). Later, Mac´s car breaks down (he couldn’t FIX it???? What? No duct tape?!) Anyway… The old couple pick him up, but mobsters are in hot pursuit!

Then we begin our 4 hour veg out with Stargate! LOL! First up is


SG-1 is taken captive by an alien bounty hunter with uncertain loyalties.
Shortly after arriving on PJ6-877 SG-1 are captured by Aris Boch a bounty hunter. He tells them that he is hunting Kel'tar a Gou'ald wanted by the System Lord Sokar and if they don't help him he will trade their lives instead. After an unsuccessful attempt at escape SG-1 reluctantly agree to help Aris but he keeps Carter as a hostage to ensure that they will return. Once SG-1 capture Kel'tar they learn that he is infact a Tok'ra named Korra who if taken to Sokar will be tortured to extract information about the Tok'ra.

SG-1 don't want to turn him over to Aris, but how can they save Carter without trading Korra?

Above screen cap also from Beth’s site.

Followed by:


SG-1 finds a medieval Christian society terrorized by Sokar and the Unas, and is accused of being possessed by demons.
Demons - Episode 308

SG-1 travels through the Stargate and arrives on a planet with a culture similar to Earth's in the Dark Ages. When Mary a young villager is set free from her chains by SG-1 Simon her friend explains that she was due to be sacrificed. Whilst Carter treats Mary a Unas arrives and instructs the villagers that he requires five sacrifices and he will return the next day for them and if none are waiting he will choose them himself. O'Neill tries to explain that it is not a demon and that the Unas is taking his people to become hosts for the Goa'ulds but Simon fears the demon too much. The Canon returns to the village and claims that SG-1 are demons because they came through the "gate", and he uses some sort of Goa'uld weapon to create a bolt of lightening that renders SG-1 unconsious.

Can SG-1 convince Simon to help them and go against the Canon before the Unas returns?

And then


SG-1 discovers a military camp where young men are trained to impersonate SGC personnel to infiltrate Earth.
Rules Of Engagement - Episode 309

When SG-1 arrive on a planet they find themselves in the midst of a battle, with a group of SG soldier's and a Jaffa army. It appears that these young recruits are in training in wait for the return of Apophis who will lead them into battle. SG-1 have their weapons confiscated but somehow they are being used by these recruits during their training and people are being killed. What started out as a training exercise is becoming disturbingly real but Captain Rogers believes this is still part of the training and no matter how much O'Neill tries to tell him Apophis is dead he won't believe him.

SG-1 must put a stop to this before everyone is killed.

And last but not least…


Jackson deals with the apparent death of his wife, Sha're, at the hands of Teal'c.

Forever In A Day - Episode 310

Whilst trying to save Kasuf, Daniels father-in-law and some other Abydonians Daniel notices his wife Sha'uri watching from a nearby tent. He immediately follows her but the Goa'uld Amaunet has control and uses a Goa'uld ribbon device on him, Teal'c enters and realises the only way to save his friend is to shoot Sha'uri with his staff weapon. When Daniel wakes he realises he's in the infirmary and learns that Teal'c has killed his wife. He resigns from the SGC and breaks off any contact with his friends.

Sha'uri starts appearing to him in dreams which he believes are brought on by grief. But are they, because they are becoming more and more vivid, and what is the message they are trying to tell him.

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