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Date Posted: 18:10:29 07/13/03 Sun
Author: asdfa
Subject: Get ready boys and girls! Coming up is Marathon Monday!!! Woo Hoo!!! Check the drop down episode thingy for additional blurbs, channels and times.

First of all we have MacGyver in BLOWOUT.
This ep originally aired in December of ’87 (!) and was episode #54. Political terrorism hits close to home when Nikki is targeted by a bombing suspect who fears she can identify him. Watch for Don S. Davis as the Cement Truck Driver. This is the one where MacGyver has a cold
and goes to the local supermarket for some home remedy items
only to foil a robbery w/ a hot water bottle. LOL! It also has him dealing with Nikki again. (I liked it better when she was Lisa! LOL!)

Then get out the pop corn and prepare to glaze over. We’ve got four consecutive hours of Stargate coming up! LOL! First up we have:


The SG-1 team travels to a planet where, unbeknownst to them, the planet's two cultures have been at war over their opposed beliefs regarding the Stargate. Upon their arrival, they are met by the curious Nyan, a scientist. Nyan explains to them that their arrival through the Stargate proves that the beliefs of his rival culture, the Optricans, is true, and that humans were brought to this planet by aliens through a gateway. His culture, the Bedrosians, believe that human life evolved without a gateway and was created by their God, Nefertum. The team's arrival is soon detected by a group of Bedrosian soldiers and their leader, Rigar. O'Neill, Carter and Daniel are captured,

while Tealc' and Nyan narrowly escape. During his escape, Teal'c is blinded. Rigar cages his three prisoners and interrogates them as to how they arrived on his planet.

He believes that they are Optrican spies, when they insist that they traveled via the Stargate. Rather than face the possibility that the entire belief system of his people is wrong, Rigar chooses to destroy all evidence, including SG-1. Though blinded, Teal'c, with Nyan's help, must outwit the Bedrosians before Rigar can execute his plan.

Bra'tac arrives at the SGC pleading for medical assistance for his battered Jaffa apprentice accompanying him. He announces that Chulak, the home planet to himself and Teal'c, was brutally attacked by Apophis, and goes on to tell that it was as though Apophis was looking for something. Daniel deduces that "something" to be the Harsesis, the child Apophis fathered with Sha're/Amaunet. This forbidden child would contain all the knowledge of the Goa'uld, and if he were to fall into the wrong hands, could be the Goa'uld's undoing. Using the combined knowledge of Bra'tac, Daniel, and the available computer analysis, SG-1 decides on the planet most likely to be "Kheb", of Jaffa and Goa'uld legend. Bra'tac and SG-1 travel to the planet in search of the Harsesis child. Realizing that Apophis could come to the same conclusion about Kheb, the SG-1 team must race to find the child before he does.

Then we have,


Daniel Jackson becomes intrigued when the video transmission from the MALP reveals a huge Mayan pyramid with a glowing crystal skull in its center. He tells the rest of SG-1 and General Hammond that the skull appears to be identical to one his grandfather, Nicholas Ballard, found in Belize in 1971. He goes on to tell that his grandfather claimed that the skull possessed a power to teleport you to a place inhabited by aliens. When the academic community shunned Nicholas because of his seeminly ridiculous claims, he never recovered. The team travels to the planet to investigate. Daniel approaches the crystal skull and is drawn to stare into its eyes. Meanwhile the cavern housing the skull begins to emit high levels of radiation. The team begins to evacuate but Daniel is entranced by the skull and after several moments, his body undergoes a phase shift and becomes invisible. O'Neill, Carter and Teal'c must flee the lethal radiation leaving an invisible Daniel behind. Teal'c, being somewhat protected by his symbiote, returns to the planet to look for Daniel.

When he can't see him, he acquires the skull and returns to the SGC unknowingly with Daniel in tow. SG-1 must recruit the assistance of Daniel's grandfather whose failure at proving his Crystal Skull theory has landed him in a psychiatric institution. They bring Nicholas Ballard back to the SGC in the hopes that he can unlock the secrets of the skull and bring Daniel home.

And last but not least, NEMESIS

While preparing for a week of leave, O'Neill is engulfed in a white glow and disappears. Carter immediately recognizes that O'Neill has been transported away by the Asgard. O'Neill suddenly finds himself a little disoriented on Thor's ship. He begins to hear a strange sound and moments later is faced with hundreds of menacing looking metallic bugs. He freezes as they swarm past him. O'Neill heads in the direction the bugs came from and comes upon a very weak Thor. Thor tells O'Neill that he is dying and directs him to a control panel for further information as he is too weak. O'Neill learns that these bugs are called replicators and are artificial organisms that have overtaken the ship and have directed it to Earth. The effects of the replicators reaching Earth would be devastating. O'Neill appears back in the briefing room of the SGC in the form of a hologram and informs General Hammond and the rest of his team of the situation. He orders them to gather a large amount of explosives that he will transport up. The team, of course, wants to be transported up as well, but O'Neill orders them not to. O'Neill can't believe his eyes when the explosives arrive with SG-1 in tow. They have little time to formulate a plan to outwit the replicators and destroy the ship before it reaches Earth, hopefully finding a way to save themselves in the process. The cliff-hanger episode is continued in the fourth season premiere.

(Blurbs from RDAnderson Site linked above.)

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