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Date Posted: 15:21:52 01/18/07 Thu
Author: Joey
Subject: His eyes narrowed as his call waiting kicked in while he was leaving his brother a rather abrupt message, quickly he switched over. "I am taking Nina to the hospital, meet us there." He instructed, throwing the bag into the back of the truck and sliding into the passanger side. His eyes drifted to his girlfriend as he held the phone between his shoulder and his ear and shifted the truck into reverse, his other hand moving to squeeze her leg softly, reassuringly. He didn't want her to panic so he was trying to maintain some resemblence of calm now that he had come back to reality.
In reply to: Nina 's message, "Words are words and they mean nothing
Surely I love you counts for something
So let's be hasty, and let's be reckless
Just being with you leaves me breathless
on 11:21:29 01/17/07 Wed

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  • Jasons brow instantly furrowed and he beeped his horn for Lacey, telling her to hurry, which the girl did, breaking into a run as she headed for the truck, pulling herself in beside her big brother with a confused frown "We'll be right there, Lacey's with me." He mirror'd his twins actions, balencing the phone between his shoulder and ear and jerking the stick into reverse, spinning the wheel with his right hand. // Her fingers dug into the seat as he reversed and she had another sharp stab of pain amongst the constant dull pain. She groaned out and whimpered Joeys name, beginniing to feel more and more like this wasn't right. (NT) -- Nina, 15:35:49 01/18/07 Thu

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