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Date Posted: 11:21:29 01/17/07 Wed
Author: Nina
Subject: Words are words and they mean nothing
Surely I love you counts for something
So let's be hasty, and let's be reckless
Just being with you leaves me breathless

She was definitely fed up of this pregnancy thing. She was an independent girl who was used to doing just as she pleased, and while she appreciated Joey sticking by her and taking care of them both, the not lifting a finger thing was starting to drive her crazy. It was an exhausting relationship- they were either arguing or making love, but they did love each other. She was about ready to pop now though and it was all starting to get a little too much. She was supposed to have had the baby almost a week ago and her fuse was just getting shorter and shorter. She wanted to have fun again, she wanted to shop in the size 4's again and not in the maternity section. She was eighteen for gods sakes. She should be going off to art college and smoking pot and drinking and being a teenager, not teaching herself to knit baby clothes and use a sewing machine. Part of her kept reminding her of that, but there was another part that loved the fact she was carrying Joey's baby and learning to cook and make clothes. She was getting a lot more friendly these days too, with Lacey and Astrid- and especially Cam. She had spent a lot of time with her and had really gotten to like the girl. She'd even encouraged her to get into making clothes and had even modeled for her when she'd been making various skirts and dresses and such like. She'd even been helping her study, which Nina appreciated a lot- it took her mind of the huge bump that stuck out in front of her. She actually had her nose stuck inside one of the books right now, reading aloud to the squirming baby about Shakespeare in Spanish, her dark hair framing her tanned features as she lay in the couch, her book propped against the large bump in her stomach.

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