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Date Posted: 15:51:21 01/18/07 Thu
Author: Nina/Jason
Subject: By the time they reached the hospital she was close to loosing consciousness... her head was woozy and dizzy and she could barely keep herself sat up, barely hold her head up. Jason and Lacey arrived just a few minutes before Joey did- being a little closer to the hospital than the house was, and lacey ran ahead to warnt hem Nina was being brought in in labour and starting to fill out the forms for them while jason parked up , meeting Joey at his care right as it pulled up. A frown instantly appeared on his features as he opened Nina's car door and saw how limb and out of it she looked, and he picked her up out of the seat, taking her around to his twion as he climbed out of the car, his blue eyes locked on his brothers "She's bleeding" he murmered in hushed tones, concern tense over his features, handing her over and taking Joey's car keys from him so he could park the car up.
In reply to: Nina 's message, "Words are words and they mean nothing
Surely I love you counts for something
So let's be hasty, and let's be reckless
Just being with you leaves me breathless
on 11:21:29 01/17/07 Wed

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  • His jaw clenched when he saw the blood in the seat and gently took his girlfriend into his arms, holding her carefully like she could break at any moment. "We are going to get help for you baby, just hold on alright?" He murmured softly, going through the automatic doors and looking around for Lacey. When a doctor came up, Joey's eyes lifted, looking boyish, childish and scared. "She's bleeding..." He murmured, his brow furrowed as he looked back down at Nina with concern. He was scared for her, scared for their baby and just...well scared in general. (NT) -- Joey, 15:56:19 01/18/07 Thu

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