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Date Posted: 16:05:04 01/18/07 Thu
Author: Kabri
Subject: She was silent for a good solid fifteen minutes before she spoke up. "You believe in fate, don't you Rio? You know things will work out the way things are supposed too. Just gotta have a little bit of faith." She stated softly, pressing a gentle kiss to the side of his neck as she ran her hands soothingly up and down his sides. "I know it doesn't seem like it now but everything will be ok..." She sighed softly, hating that he was hurting. As much as she wanted him single and available, it killed her that he was hurting so badly. Quietly, she took the joint from him and took a drag, letting it settle in her lungs before she exhaled.
In reply to: Kabri 's message, "
I'll be your crying shoulder
I'll be loves suicide and I'll be better when I'm older
and I'll be the greatest fan of your life
on 15:34:46 01/18/07 Thu

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  • He'd smoked enough weed now that the hurt wasn't quite so sharp...he'd numbed himself a little. He didn;t respond right away, but opened his eyes, staring at the ceiling for a long moment before finally murmering quietly "I bet you've never been quiet for that long before Kabri." An attempted at a mask of humour to hide the pain, keep up a brave front (NT) -- Rio, 16:10:08 01/18/07 Thu

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