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Date Posted: 16:41:59 01/18/07 Thu
Author: Rio
Subject: Rio frowned a little as she spoke, shaking his head a little at first , but listening quietly for a minute before speaking "She's been through shit you can;t even imagine Kabbi.... and you've been through your fair share... She was whored out by her brothers... raped from the age of nine onward... got knocke dup, thrown out of her family, straight into juvi and then she gave the baby up for adoption... She copes with it better than most girls would... " He wasn;t arguing- she probably did need help- but all things considered- who wouldn't in her situation.
In reply to: Kabri 's message, "
I'll be your crying shoulder
I'll be loves suicide and I'll be better when I'm older
and I'll be the greatest fan of your life
on 15:34:46 01/18/07 Thu

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  • "I think she coped with it so well because she had you to carry her through it. I am not sure how she would do on her own..." She frowned softly, her brow furrowed a little as she thought about it. "She's a lot younger than you, isn't she?" She figured the girl was even younger than she was. Kabri was seventeen and Jackie wasn't quite there yet....she was still just sixteen. Everyone had a rough life though, who didn't? They had all been through hell and back and honestly, she thought that the girl was kind of off her rocker and she wouldn't put it past Jackie to just...have a break down. (NT) -- Kabri, 16:47:25 01/18/07 Thu

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