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Date Posted: 10:44:34 01/19/07 Fri
Author: Joey
Subject: He laughed softly at his brother, thankful for his distraction. "Maybe what you'll look like, not me." He stated with a smirk and a shake of his head before he looked over to Lacey, shifting to pull her into his embrace, hugging her into his chest. "Thanks for being here baby doll.." He murmured to her, pressing a kiss to the top of her head before he looked back to Jason. "I should probably call and leave a message at the house, I am sure people are wondering what the hell is going on..." He knew for sure that Astrid and Rio especially would be worried...
In reply to: Nina 's message, "Words are words and they mean nothing
Surely I love you counts for something
So let's be hasty, and let's be reckless
Just being with you leaves me breathless
on 11:21:29 01/17/07 Wed

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  • Lacey hugged Joey tightly, feeling for him, wanting to help him but knowing there was nothing she could do "I can do that... you should wait incase they come back with news..." She looked up at her brother who was just a little taller than she was "do you need anything bringing or picking up?" She was sure Rio or someone wouldn't mind in the least. She'd call Cammy and Kaden too, let them both know- Kaden had always een close with Nina- and Lysia when she'd been alive. (NT) -- Lacey, 10:50:01 01/19/07 Fri

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