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Date Posted: 10:53:03 01/19/07 Fri
Author: Joey
Subject: He shook his head softly, brushing his lips against her forehead once more. "No...just come back after your done with the phone calls, ok? Thanks lacey..." He smiled softly, finally letting her go before he dropped down into the rocker in the corner of the nursery. Once Lacey was out of the room he finally spoke openly with his brother. "She was in cardiac arrest when I left the room." He stated softly, his jaw set. Nina had to be ok, she had to be. He couldn't raise a little girl on his own, there was no way in hell.
In reply to: Nina 's message, "Words are words and they mean nothing
Surely I love you counts for something
So let's be hasty, and let's be reckless
Just being with you leaves me breathless
on 11:21:29 01/17/07 Wed

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  • Jason watched their little sister leave, glancing back to Joey as he dropped into the chair. They tended to be a little over protective of Lacey- the girl was seventeen years old but still they hated her to have to experience bad things- not that they'd been able to shelter her from any of that while they were in Juvi and she was alone with their mother and her paedophile boyfriend. He set his jaw a touch as Joey spilt what was on his mind, and lowered his gaze to the little girl. He wanted to tell Joey that she would be fine... but at that point, he didn't know that she would be. "Was she awake?" (NT) -- Jason, 11:02:22 01/19/07 Fri

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