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Date Posted: 16:16:21 01/19/07 Fri
Author: Rio
Subject: He headed over to help her look, before he realised that wasn;t really his job anymore "Maybe if you called the agency? they could've lost the address or moved or something." He spoke in his quiet, almost gruff voice that he did when he was uncomfortable. "Why are you asking after Kabri? Did something happen?" He wasn;t sure if he hadn;t been told about something... it wouldn't suprise him- he was so rarely around, what with work and the fact he'd been keeping himself to himself.
In reply to: Joey 's message, "xoxox" on 13:29:25 01/19/07 Fri

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  • She pursed her lips, tipping her head as she nodded. "Yeah, I think I will...I dunno, that makes me nervous." She shrugged a little before she looked at him once more at his words. "No, nothing happened that I know of. I was just wondering if anything happened with her and...well, you." She stated, actually being blunt for one of the first times in her life. She shifted a little, heading towards the fridge to pull out the chicken breasts that she had been thawing since earlier that morning. "Are you hungry?" She questioned, wondering who had cooked the past few days while she had been MIA. Not that it was her job anymore to make sure he was full and happy... (NT) -- Jackie, 16:23:54 01/19/07 Fri

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