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Date Posted: 16:27:36 01/19/07 Fri
Author: Nina
Subject: In all honesty should couldn;t get up and down the stairs anyway- she'd tried! She was still in a lot of pain from her operation and the stitches were still sore- she couldn;t even reach into the crib to pick Dakota up, so the baby was spending most of her time on the bed with Nina, which was fine by her. She loved their new living quarters- it has been pretty much a big suprise for her when she got back from the hospital- she'd known they were doing something up there but with her big pregnant stomach she hadn;t really been in the position to go snooping. Her brown hair was freshly washed and loose, her musch smaller body clad in a large button down shirt of his- which made feeding time easier, and little else. She looked up at him from the large new bed , glad for some adult company, arching a brow a little "Yeah? What happened?" She asked curiously.
In reply to: Joey 's message, "
I love the way you love me
on 16:19:05 01/19/07 Fri

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  • "Well, Rio has been saving money for a house for him and Jacks you know...I guess since they broke up and all he just decided that he didn't need it and he just paid off the hospital bills." That was a huge thing, a big amount of stress off of Joey's shoulders and it felt like he could breathe normally again. They weren't in poverty or anything but owing anyong a huge sum of money made things kinda tight and he had been deciding what bills he could get away with not paying when Rio had walked in. It made life just so much easier, he could focus on his girl and new baby now instead of how to bring in extra cash. (NT) -- Joey, 16:45:57 01/19/07 Fri

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