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Date Posted: 08:02:34 01/20/07 Sat
Author: Jackie
Subject: She smiled a little shyly, nodding a touch before she stood up. "I'll be right back." She stated, before running upstairs and finding the box she was looking for. She took out the envelope of carefully kept pictures and headed back down to sit next to Rio at the island this time. She carefully extracted the photo's from the envelope and pulled them out, showing him the top one first. "This is the one from the hospital when she was just born." She looked so funny, like a wrinkly old woman with a very red face. "...and this is her six month picture." She looked so different there, so much bigger and the difference was even more drastic when she gave him the year old pictures. "Her hair is so long...so blonde."
In reply to: Joey 's message, "xoxox" on 13:29:25 01/19/07 Fri

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  • Rio chewed at his lip almost nervously as she went to get the pictures, feeling his insides churn a little as he waited, sipping at his cold beer. He looked up at her as she returned, almost as if he wanted to change his mind, but as he took the first photo of the little girl he couldn't help but smirk a little "I didn;t think babies could look so different... Dakota looks nothing like her.... " He took the photograph of her at six months and grinned a little, saying nothing untill he saw the final one. That one he looked long and hard at, drawing a breath before nodding slightly, exhaling slowly "She looks a lot like you.... like how i imagined you looking when you were this old... she looks like a real little person there..." he cleared his throat a little and nodded, handing them back to her "She looks happy..." It did make him concerned about where the latest update could have gone to though... and he was quite anxious to get down to the agency tomorrow. (NT) -- Rio, 08:13:58 01/20/07 Sat

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