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Date Posted: 08:05:40 01/20/07 Sat
Author: Nina
Subject: She padded over to him softly, in just one of his long button down shirts and a pair of fluffy socks. She eased herself down intot he couch with him careful of her stitches and and tucked herself under his arm, tipping her face upto his to kiss him lovingly before shifting her attention to the TV. "She wont be crawling for about a year yet...." It seemed a long way off- but she'd heard that time flew by with a new baby. "I love the nursery... you guys did such a good job with it..." She had a changing table and a crib and little wooden drawers for all Kota's baby clothes, a wooden toy chest for when she got a little older and had mountains of toys around. "I don;'t think I ever wanna leave this place..." She'd always thought she'd like to get an apartment in the city- close to the night life and such... but this was a great place to raise a kid... a huge back yard, a quiet neighbourhood, and a big house that was now beginning to look pretty decent.
In reply to: Joey 's message, "
I love the way you love me
on 16:19:05 01/19/07 Fri

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  • "In a year she'll be walking." He'd done his reading. "She's smart already, she'll be crawling by the time she's six months old, sure of it." He smirked lightly before he looked down at her, nodding a little. "I'm glad you like it, it was a big project....we got most of the outside stuff that had to be done before winter got bad done too though. Now it's just fixing it up to look a little nicer...You should start thinking about what color we should paint or do you think we should do siding or something?" He questioned, his head cocked to the side as he looked down at her. "Maybe thats something you can do while you're laid up..I'll stop at home depot and pick up some swatches and samples for you to look at." (NT) -- Joey, 08:09:03 01/20/07 Sat

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