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Date Posted: 08:43:54 01/20/07 Sat
Author: Nina
Subject: She scrunched her nose a little at that idea before shrugging her shoulders "I'm alright for now... Jason doen't mind giving me lifts if I need to get anywhere and its kind of a luxury we could get by without.... or I could just drop you off and pick you up so I have the car through the day...." There were more pressing things really... like Kota. Her crying broke the calm lull and she looked to Joey "I think she needs a diaper change... help me up?" It was so strange having a child to care for now... another person to be responsible for. It had been hard when she'd found out she was pregnant, giving up the smoking and the drugs and the alcohol... but now it didn;t seem so hard to sacrifice things for her daughter, and it all seemed worth it.
In reply to: Joey 's message, "
I love the way you love me
on 16:19:05 01/19/07 Fri

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  • "I'll get it." He stated, letting her stay on the couch as he moved towards the bed to pick up the baby and murmur to her softly, grinning and teasing her as she stopped crying and just stared at her daddy, her tiny fist in her mouth. He took her into the nursery and laid her on the changing table. It didn't take him long to get her changed and back into her onesy. He grinned and cuddled the baby to his chest, pressing a kiss to her soft head and inhaling the scent of fresh, wholesome baby. She was such a little miracle, even though it was still weird to think of himself as a daddy. (NT) -- Joey, 09:18:55 01/20/07 Sat

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