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Date Posted: 09:10:14 01/20/07 Sat
Author: Jackie
Subject: "Sure, that sounds good." She smiled softly, stepping forward towards him as if to give him a kiss for the night before she realized what she was doing and abruptly stepped back. Her jaw tightened for a moment and her eyes flashed something painful but she took a step back and cleared her throat. "I'll see you tomorrow, Rio." She stated softly, turning on her heel to head up to the stairs and to her room. She took a long shower and headed to bed to read, falling asleep fairly early into the night. She woke up on her own, without an alarm, shifting her weight on the bed and stretching out. It was weird sleeping without Rio, not being able to cuddle up next to him. Yawning, she padded down stairs in a long t-shirt and short shorts that showed off a lot of leg. She didn't think anyone would be up and she wanted to start breakfast...
In reply to: Joey 's message, "xoxox" on 13:29:25 01/19/07 Fri

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  • >> -- Rio, 09:50:54 01/20/07 Sat
  • That was one of the hardest things for her, not waking up to him. It was strange to wake up in the bed alone, to have silence echoing around her. She had woken up at five every morning also since they broke up because she was so used to waking up with him and getting him breakfast, seeing him off for his day and all that. She missed those quiet mornings together. She was still drowsy and half asleep but smiled warmly if somewhat absently at him when he came downstairs. "Hey...sleep ok?" She had...kind of. As good as she was expecting to these days anyways. "Hungry?" She was fixing pancakes for everyone but all she wanted to do was creep closer to him and let him hold her tightly for just a few minutes. (NT) -- Jackie, 09:58:09 01/20/07 Sat

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