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Date Posted: 10:21:12 01/20/07 Sat
Author: Joey
Subject: Honestly, he thought Dakota was still a little weird looking and he hoped as she got older she would round off a bit and become a bit more normal looking. A yawn escaped his lips again as he rubbed the babies back, tipping his head. "You hungry? Once she falls back asleep I can run down and get you a plate...and me too. Looked like she was making chicken and veggies and potatoes." Jackie was an essential part of their household, they were most likely all starve if it wasn't for her. As much as Nina tried, she couldn't cook worth hell, her talents rested in more decorating and cleaning and stuff...and she didn't even really like to clean. Everyone played their part.
In reply to: Joey 's message, "
I love the way you love me
on 16:19:05 01/19/07 Fri

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  • She nodded with a soft smile, watching him with Dakota softly "Yeah that'd be good..." Nina was more artistic and imaginative- good for decorating and making clothes and such but not so good when she tried to make all these elaberate things for dinner whenever she had to cook... she could never just settle for cooking simple things, so everyone always approached her foor with trepidation. Lacey was a very good little cook too but she was always so busy with her boyfriend or her studies or her horses. Nina had kind of dreaded Rio and Jackie moving out for that reason. (NT) -- Nina, 10:32:07 01/20/07 Sat

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