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Date Posted: 10:50:22 01/20/07 Sat
Author: Nina
Subject: She grinned at his noseying about Rio and Jackie's break up, shaking her head a little "You're worse than any woman I know." She smirked softly, returning the lingering kiss lovingly and taking the montinor, checking it was swtiched on and loud enough for her to hear the lullaby playing from the mobile. She watched him go to get their food before smiling to herself and turnignt he channel over, yawning softly as she ran her fingers through her long curls.
In reply to: Joey 's message, "
I love the way you love me
on 16:19:05 01/19/07 Fri

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  • He laughed softly at that, shaking his head as he disappeared down the stairs and took a few minutes to talk to Rio who was now by himself down there. He grabbed the plates he had fixed up and headed back up the stairs, bringing one of the little tables that folded out with him so she could eat on the couch with the table. Once he was sure he had everything he headed back upstairs and deposited it all. "Forgot drinks." He grumbled, heading back down to find something for them both to drink before going back upstairs again and passing them out, dropping back down on the couch to enjoy his own meal. "I bet you are looking forward to being able to get around again." (NT) -- Joey, 11:02:31 01/20/07 Sat

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