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Date Posted: 10:29:02 01/21/07 Sun
Author: Jackie
Subject: She took a shuddering breath, her eyes squeezed shut as she hid in the safety of Rio's chest. Tears were threatening her eyes, her breath stuck in her throat as she swallowed heavily. This was exactly what she had been afraid of to begin with, that her little girl would just get lost in the system. Her fingers twisted in the fabric of Rio's shirt for a long moment, closing her eyes and just letting him handle it because that's what he did. He took care of her, he fixed things, god, how did she ever think she could live without him? She vaguely heard the woman speak in the background. "Of course, go ahead and go into the first counseling room on the right and we'll have someone meet you in there to discuss whats going on." Jackie bit her lip, pulling back and not looking at anyone as she headed into the counseling room which had two chairs, a couch and a desk inside it. Once they were alone in there her eyes moved to Rio, tears welling in the blue depths.
In reply to: Joey 's message, "xoxox" on 13:29:25 01/19/07 Fri

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  • "Thank you" He muttered to the woman before following Jackie into the counselling room. He looked down at her as she stared up at his with those big blue eyes brimmed with tears, shaking his head and drawing her to him "No... don't do that... don;t cry... we'll fix this... whatever you want , we'll fix this... " He assured her, pressing his lips to her blonde hair and breathing in the sweet scent of her conditioner. "Just tell me what you want And I'll get it for you." (NT) -- Rio, 10:37:22 01/21/07 Sun

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