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Date Posted: 09:54:15 07/31/13 Wed
Author: Tim
Subject: I, Frankenstein (2014)

I, Frankenstein is due to be released in early 2014.

The movie is directed Stuart Beattie, and is largely an Australian production. It is based on a graphic novel by Kevin Grevioux.

Aaron Eckhart stars as Dr Frankenstein's creature Adam. Eckhart is best known for playing Harvey Dent/Two-Face in The Dark Knight (2008).




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[> Re: I, Frankenstein (2014) -- DAN, 07:28:36 08/03/13 Sat [1]

I never read the book, and I've heard very little about I, Frankenstein.
I'll have to keep up with the times more I guess.

But, I'll probably see the movie when it comes out on DVD.

I hate going to the theater and then have a movie turn out to be bad and I have to sit through them.
I'm not one for walking out of a theater until the movie ends.

Anyway, reading about the plot makes me somewhat skeptical.
It sounds like it's gonna be heavy with CGI?

I know I was disappointed with "The Mummy" (1999) and "The Wolfman" (2010} when I saw them in the theater.

Sitting through "The Wolfman" was no where near as bad as sitting through "The Mummy" though.

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[> [> Re: I, Frankenstein (2014) -- Tim, 17:42:28 08/03/13 Sat [1]

I don't care much for most modern horror movies. There is usually too much CGI and violence and not enough story.

I would guess that I, Frankenstein will be heavy on CGI. It's not based on the Mary Shelley novel at all, but instead is taken from a comic book graphic novel.

Like Dan, I was disappointed in the 1999 version of The Mummy. I haven't seen the 2010 Wolfman movie yet.

The Mummy (1999) and The Wolfman (2010) were both Universal pictures, but I, Frankenstein is from another studio.


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