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Subject: Skirt Length Problem

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Date Posted: 14:11:23 03/15/01 Thu
In reply to: K 's message, "Contruction Problems-Technique & Tips" on 15:45:15 03/10/01 Sat

I am making an irish dance dress. I used the pattern we had used to make the one before, but I made this skirt much stiffer. I sewed the front bodice onto the skirt and then tried to dance. It was so stiff and long (about 2" above the knee) I couldn't cut. When I raised the skirt up I could dance. The problem is, I can only bring the skirt up so high before I cut into the design and then if I bring it up on the bodice it looks VERY short waisted. I am desperate. I have spent so much time and money making this "dream dress". I spent hours basting and measuring so that all the stiffener and interfacing was just right. Taking some up on the bottom is not possible. I made the appliques to totally cover the skirt. I thought that this dress would be done yesterday. I had no idea that with it this stiff I wouldn't be able to dance. Please--someone help!!!

-I would sacrifice a little of the design on the top since your number goes there anyway.

-I agree with losing a little of the top. I have spent alot of time on critical parts of designs only to have them covered by the number. It is more important that you be able to dance your best and be comfortable in your costume.

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[> [> Subject: Front of Dress Pulling Up—Bodice/Skirt Length Problem

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Date Posted: 13:27:20 03/14/02 Thu

I have a problem with my daughters new dance costume that I am hoping someone can help me with. The front panel is straight but when she is on stage and ready to start (toe pointed and posture pulled up) the front of the dress pulls up and makes the dress look too short! You can also see right up the front of the dress (not all the way but more than I would like). When the front lies flat the length is perfect and the back length is perfect. I had the dressmaker look at it and she fixed what she thought would help but it hasn't (helped). I really don't want to send it back again because it will take forever to have it returned and I'm not convinced the dressmaker knows how to fix it. Any ideas or suggestions on what is wrong and/or how I can fix it(or a dressmaker)??

-Sounds like the bodice is too short and the waist is not fitted properly without seeing it - this is just a guess. Sometimes, the overall length may be correct as you have described however, if the bodice is cut too short, it makes the skirt look too short even if it isn't. Also, it is very difficult to get a snug fit at the waist if the skirt is attached any higher than one inch below the natural waistline. This will remain a problem if there is no extra length in the bodice.
-- I'm confused as to why a skirt needs to be attached 1" below natural waist to be snug. Once you travel down the body from the natural waist, the torso starts to increase in size. Also, is the extra length in the bodice required only so that the skirt won't appear too short or is there a technical reason (from a construction standpoint) for doing this. I fit my school's dresses snug at the waist and they only appear short if the child is particularly short-waisted, (but I account for this in skirt length).

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