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Subject: Weight of the Fabric

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Date Posted: 13:08:08 09/20/01 Thu
In reply to: K 's message, "Fabrics" on 15:41:14 03/10/01 Sat

Does using a lighterweight material, like silk, really make a difference in the weight of the dress? Have you ever weighed a velvet solo dress and a silk dress to see how much they weigh? Everyone talks about how much lighter the silk dresses are. I understand that the silk would weigh less than the velvet, but when you add all those layers and stiffening and appliques, etc. I wonder if their is a measurable difference. The dresses I made my daughters are much lighter than the solo costume that we bought, but I used a different stiffener. I used velvet though and it is noticably lighter than the bought costume. I am considering the poly shantung, but I really prefer the velvet. It looks so lush and rich. If it really makes a major difference in the overall weight though, I'll consider switching for the sake of my daughters.

-My daughter has a new poly-shantung dress that she feels is much lighter and easier to dance in than her old velvet dress -- both home-made with same pattern and stiffener. I've now started a poly shantung dress for my younger daughter.

-I lifted one of the other girls' dresses made of silk by our dressmaker, and thought it must have fallen off the hanger--my daughter's dress could be used to do curls to keep your biceps in shape! Both made by the same dressmaker, and I think generally using the same stiffener. The sleeves on the silk dress are unlined glitterball material, so that may be a fair portion of the lightness, but even the body of the dress is much lighter.

-Have any dancers complained about the difference is weight? My daughter's school dress is quite heavy, and her soon-to-be completed solo is velvet/shantung combination. Just wondering if anyone has had problems or heard anything regarding this.

-I've made several costumes with poly shantung and Raw Silk and it makes a big difference to the weight of the finished costume.....even with the vilene and lots of applique!
Both my daughters have combination costumes of shantung with velvet front and at this time I don't think I'll ever make them all velvet costumes again..........

-For the past 7 dresses I've had, they've all been velvet. My most recent dress is silk and until I felt how light the silk dress is compared to my last velvet one I hadn't realized how heavy the velvet dresses actually are. I don't think I could ever go back to velvet now!

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[> Subject: Gabardine

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Date Posted: 16:19:23 10/10/01 Wed

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[> [> Subject: Price

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Date Posted: 16:27:07 10/10/01 Wed

While looking at purchasing fabric w/the embroidery done for a school dress someone else will put it together besides the schools normal seamstress (i need it quicker!!). The fabric price was at $80 for a navy gab. That's JUST the fabric. Does this seem expensive for gab.? It'd be just to make an adult sized dress, I thought it was a little pricey....is it?

-Yes, it is expensive. We pay $3.99 yd. for gabardine for our school dresses. The fabric, lining and embroidery floss comes to $75 all together.

-Where I'm at, Gab costs about $6 Canadian, at the most. $80 IS a lot, unless they have to import everything... but even still, that's still very expensive.

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