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Subject: :-) The worries you have with your baby

Sally Villalpando
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Date Posted: 05:00:22 10/10/07 Wed

Hi, Kellie! Your baby sounds just like my first born boy. He also flapped his hands constantly and I thought it was cute. He did not start walking until he was around 14 months old. At 18 months, the doctor told me he needed speech therapy. I thought he was full of crap and never took my son to therapy. Today, my boy is a healthy,normal teenager of 17. He's taking advanced placement courses in high school. He's a computer nerd who loves playing the guitar and is on the high school varsity tennis team and a member of NHS. He mows the neighbors' lawns for pocket money and ponders his future after high school. So, Kellie, STOP WORRYING!!! Sometimes too much information is worse than not being informed at all. Your baby sounds perfectly normal to me and is just doing things in her own sweet time. So relax and enjoy her! Cuz time goes by oh so quickly! Sincerely Sally

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