Hollie (hopefully, helpful)
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Date Posted: 06:54:19 10/10/07 Wed
My youngest son was born 2 months premature, we started noticing signs at around 4 months and a doctor told us to contact ECI (early child hood intervention) They tested him. He was diagnosed with multiple developmental delays, they said he was too young to be diagnosed with CP or autism so we started therapy. He had no muscle tone, even needed assistance with bowel movements. For 2 yrs, they came to our home, he had speach therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy. He had a "candy cane swril on the lower part of his legs which caused his feet to point to each other which cause major concerns and talks of him needing a walker, we were able to get him into schottish rite's where they said he would grow out of it by and this he would need it all of his life. He wrang is wrists and all of that stuff, he had sensory disorders, we found that out when he touched my "cake" candle and cried. I refused to accept him being any way but normal! I had 4 other children and I struggled terribly with the thought having a special needs child so I saw no choice but to do what ever it took. Regardless of the sacrafice. I did everything they told me to do. The rest of my family took the back burner for 2 years and I worked with him every waking hour. ECI taught me what to do when they wern't there and I did it. Thanks to ECI and their awesome program, He is 8 yrs old, plays football, basketball, and is very socially active, and extreemly smart (the positive part of autism)I could have went into denial mode and ignored the signs, and there is no telling what his condition would have become like. He still has mild anxiety attacts, we can't go to the movies (it's too loud and he will throw up) although we are making progress, we went to see Harry Potter last weekend and he didn't throw up until the end of the movie! Major Milestone. Another milestone is that he did successfully and on his own attend his first field trip with his classmates (I usually take off work and drive him to those things) He reafirms to himself that he can do it and that it's ok. I don't tell people he is autistic although he is, because I don't want them treating him "special". Now, instead of wringing his wrists, he snaps his fingers when he starts getting frustrated. He is kind and caring, his teachers absolutly love his demeanor. He is in normal classes and most people view him as normal which was my goal. What I forgot to mention is that ECI comes to your home until your child is 3 and then they transfer your child to your local school district where they continue the process they have started there. After 2 1/2 yrs, they assesed him and released him from the program due to his overwhelming success.
Kellie, you have time, you are a very smart woman, be proactive, contact ECI for an evaluation, it will only help her. They changed my son's life and ours. We live a 95% normal life, thanks to ECI! You will too! Be a victor not a victum! It will change your life and her's. I truly believe you will win at this challange.
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