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Subject: <3 Don't be afraid of autism

Dana (happy)
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Date Posted: 14:22:03 10/10/07 Wed

as the mother of a son diagnosed with autism, i want you to know one thing. i would not change him for the world. i knew he was different @ an early age but wrote it off as being just a "different personality" because i couldn't put my finger on it; he didn't talk, rarely needed to be held but in hindsight, the signs were there. he was diagnosed at two and is now 6 1/2 years old. i would give anything for one minute in his head to see how his fascinating mind thinks. i just want to reassure that IF emma is on the autistic spectrum, that it doesn't mean she cannot be the wonderful child you always thought you would have. i would highly recommend seeing a child psychologist/phychiatrist for an evaluation for two reasons: to put your mind at ease and because the earlier the diagnosis, the better off the child is. early detection can make a world of difference and there are tons of resources available. i wish you and emma nothing but the best, regardless of the outcome. take care.

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