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Subject: Emma

laura (understanding)
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Date Posted: 07:09:53 10/11/07 Thu

i totally understand your fears. we have adopted our baby and i was completely convinced he was autistic just by his mannerisms. it doesn't help that i am a behavior therapist for children with autism, and work in the field every day. my son is just fine - and it is true what a lot of other posters are saying. every child is different. just because they flap, or stim on an object doesn't mean they have autism. i personally feel that they over-diagnose anyway just by looking at the wide range of children i work with. some kids flap when happy. some kids don't crawl when the books say they should. does she make eye contact when you call her name? does she respond appropriately with her emotions (happy, sad)? does she interact with other children? i know she is young, but those are the major first impressions of autism if she is NOT doing these things. anyway, if you do read this - try to relax. Emma is just enjoying her life on her own time!! you need to enjoy it right along with her! you are a great mom - keep it up!

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