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Subject: Re: Non-busy weekend

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Date Posted: 11:13:00 10/08/07 Mon
In reply to: natalie 's message, "Re: Non-busy weekend" on 11:04:35 10/08/07 Mon

For those of us who like kellie we know that kellie is a family name that the women have had in her family for awhile. They all have a form of it as either there first name or middle name and are called by the entire first or middle name to include the part that says kellie. Its a family tradition that kellie as a "so called bad mother" in your opinion has felt the need to pass onto her child. I for one like that she has a nice tradition to hand to her child. Can't you take up candle making or something and leave other people alone. You can do that without leaving the house you know.

>ok..we are lonely but you are the one de-constructing
>emma kelly's name....yeah....lol...
>>You all have funny responses. First of all, I don't
>>think I'm a perfect mother. Second, I do believe
>>someone can have a drink or two, but every weekend? I
>>do believe getting out, my husband and I try to get
>>out as much as possible without our children. Kelly
>>makes it sound like in more than one post that she is
>>almost tied down by Emma. That she needs to have
>>something to do every weekend away from Emma. All I am
>>asking is that she maybe try to enjoy a weekend at
>>home with her daughter instead of dreading weekends
>>because no one is calling her for something to do.
>>Also, is Emma Kelly her first and middle names or one
>>big first name? If it's first and middle, is it
>>neccesary to call her Emma Kelly? We get it, you think
>>it's a cute name because it has your name in it, but
>>it sounds a little hokey when you say it all the
>>Have fun responding to that, you all seem very lonely.

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Re: Non-busy weekendLacy13:42:09 10/08/07 Mon

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