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Date Posted: Tuesday, September 20, 05:24:14pm
Author: Aine
Subject: Teachers should strive to create an environment where students feel safe, comfortable and positive..
In reply to: kleenex carrier 's message, "Is It OK for a Teacher to Make a Child Cry? (NOT talking tears of joy)" on Monday, September 19, 03:24:15am

But, a student may still cry.

It doesnt just happen that the teacher "made" them cry. I have cried in dance class at age 22. It wasnt my teachers fault (and he gained major niceness points for calling me up later to see if I was ok). I cry when I get stressed out and frusterated, and well, I was very stressed under the pressure of a new teacher and preparation for oireachtas. I once had a student start to cry in my class after I reprimanded her for dragging her feet in class (she had been unusually moody and not energetic all class) turned out she'd fought with her best friend at school that day, and just needed a break.

If a student cries because they are upset or stressed about dance and meeting thier own and others expectations, thats one thing. Part of ID is learning to handle these stresses, and you cant learn untill you experience it.

If a student cries because a teacher humiliates or insults or belittles them personally, thats a whole other story, and teachers should not do that.

However, teachers are human, and sometimes what they say or do gets misconstrued or they slip and say something they shouldnt, or forget to be gentle, or overestimate the tough skin of a student. Dont hold a single isolated incident against a teacher who is otherwise porfessional, courteous and encouraging. If its an ongoing trend that the teacher does not recognize as a problem, thats a good reason to transfer.

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  • Occasional tears of frustration, OK; tears from being targeted, humiliated, demeaned , not OK (NT) -- dancer's mom, Friday, September 23, 04:38:37am

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