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Date Posted: Thursday, July 07, 10:47:33pm
Author: Aine
Subject: I agree with you about the make-up issue....
In reply to: mmc 's message, "I'd love to see the powers worried about safety issues (flooring etc) than about makeup/tanner, etc" on Thursday, July 07, 07:43:02pm

One problem with standards for floors is that everyones idea of a good floor is different. Many people complained that the floors at nationals were slippery, but I found that mine was a welcome change from the slickness of the floor in my studio. I personally dont much like the marley flooring because it deadens the sound.

Several shoe makers have attempted to create more supporive ghilles, but one thing you run into is that support is also restrictive, and more supportive shoes tend to reduce the range of motion a dancer has access to. I dont think its up to An Com, or any organization I think thats more of a market/demand and practicality issue.

On teachers needing better training about how to prepare dancers physically for ID, I agree. Its ridiculous that someone who thinks you should stretch before you warm up, and that doing a reel full out is a warm up can be considered a qualified teacher. I dont intend to degrade those teachers who have little training in that sort of thing, but one would think that safety would be a top priority.

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