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Date Posted: Tuesday, December 20, 02:26:41pm
Author: er
Subject: I think it's GREAT that TCs are given loose enough rules that they may interpret (m)
In reply to: Mom of older dancers 's message, "I feel there should be a cap, especially in older prelim competitions." on Tuesday, July 26, 01:35:21pm

For instance, a dancer winning a couple first in U8 might not immediately be prepared for OC..however, I would completely contest (and I'm pretty sure I could identify the case you're speaking of) that 10 first against pretty much every contender in the region would merit moving into open.
However, in some cases, dancers feis a lot and wind up winning firsts without consistant open-level dancig to back it up...i.e. not competing with the usual contenders, maybe a feis against fewer dancers or one in which all the "big shots" are mysteriously missing..in anycase, it should be up to the TC whether or not the dancer is prepared to move into open.
One dancer in my school had reigned in the Top 3, 4 or 5 of a very large prelim competition for over a year (she was a younger dancer, not the wee ones, but just out of the Traditional Set at Oireachtas Age Groups ;)
She got her first first right before Nationals, so our teacher bumped her up to open to kinda give her a bit of experience, figuring the competition in prelim was just so inconstistant, it was really too difficult to determine where she actually stood.
Whether or not she legitimately qualified, her first competition in open, she placed-well, too, I might add. She also went on to do very very well at Nationals.
She remains a regular top placer in her Open Competition.
Case in point: qualifications can't always determine whose ready. After 10 wins, it probably should be beyond teacher's discretion (IMO 4 or 5 is way too many-just get your butt in open and work out your issues there, it's your rightful competition).
It's important for teacher's to have a say, but when it gets ridiculous, perhaps the TC should be addressed by proper authorities.
I've seen it done before too, a teacher's dancer won 2nd place to a girl with an exorbitant amount of wins..and she/he confronted the teacher who agreed to move their dancer to open. It seemed to be the appropriate, polite and proper way of handling something..and it was actually effective!
The girl in 2nd didn't get a special win or anything, it was just the honest way of handling what seemed to be an injustice.

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