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Date Posted: Monday, September 12, 10:20:46pm
Author: MAIDnID
Subject: Can anyone explain the justification for the six month ban on transferring? (more)

I am not really trying to start a debate, I am just trying to understand...

I have seen so many messages suggesting that people feel "trapped" at a school. I can see how the six month ban would prevent "poaching" but can't figure out why it should be necessary. I do not know of any another sport or activity that safeguards instructors/coaches in this way.

It seems that it should be the teacher's responsibility to ensure retention of their students through generating customer satisfaction rather than imposed loyalty.

If a teacher behaves inappropriately toward children by degrading or chiding them, why do the children have to pay the penalty when their parents try to put them in a dance environment that is more positive for the child? If a TCRG does not provide the dancers with the proper instruction needed to progress, why should the dancers have to miss competition because they seek someone more competent at meeting their needs?

I understand the dancers need time to learn new steps, but for many of them, new steps are more about the order of skills they have than learning new skills. It seems it would be appropriate for the new TCRG to decide when a child is ready to compete after transferring.

I don't see how good teachers would have a problem without the six month ban. I do see how less effective teachers take advantage of it to retain students who want to compete. This is not good for Irish dance.

It seems there are TCRGs out there who take advantage of the power granted by the 6 month ban to hold on to dancers that would like to leave or as a form of vindication against those who do leave whether the separation is voluntary or involuntary on the part of the dancer. Since there seems to be no way to effectively file protests or complaints against TCRGs' actions, a TCRG has to take no responsibility for their behavior (except for a decline in enrollment) while children have to have their efforts diminished (or destroyed) by a six month ban.

I am sure there is a logical explanation beyond protecting TCRGs from losing students to better TCRGs, but I cannot, for the life of me, figure it out. Anyone willing to help?

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