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Date Posted: Friday, July 08, 09:15:20pm
Author: Dancing 4x4
Subject: Maybe this feeling stems from the fact that we have only 1 Major comp in North America (more inside)
In reply to: weezy 's message, "It really is a purely American phenomenon...." on Friday, July 08, 05:30:08am

The distances in North America are so vast that it really is only at the North American championship that you find competitors from all over the 7 regions. At a usual feis, there would be only the regional competitors plus a handful of those out of region-(except for feiseanna near the region borders) So, in practical terms, the North American Championship is the only real opportunity for North American competitors to test themselves with the best of North America. I think the distances in Scotland, England and Ireland are not so great and perhaps the dancers there see the best of the others on more occasions. Aren't the All Irelands, British Nationals, etc open to out of region competitors? (Sorry, I don't know the correct names for the various Majors overseas) I think that the very best North American dancers, who travel overseas themselves, welcome the opportunity to test themselves with the best of Irish and British dancers. However, the vast majority of North American dancers at Nationals are never going to be the caliber to compete overseas and their frame of reference is not how well can they measure up to Irish and British dancers, but how well do they measure up against each other. And, as I mentioned before, the North American Championship is their only opportunity to do this. I think this may be a partial explanation for some of the expressed frustration.



>dancers. The reason for that being - their parents are
>more accepting of the high costs than the parents of
>mid to low level open dancers.
>But American teachers do exactly the same thing in
>Britain. All the Petri's are coming over here for our
>nationals, and with one World champion and several
>podium placers, one does not have to stretch the
>imagination to see them doing incredibly well. I
>assume RnT will be represented by the Dargans at at
>least one of our national events. People like the
>Smiths have always attended the Great Britains and yet
>we did not complain that Ashley won last year - or
>that she won the All-Ireland.
>I think, despite the evidence of the past few World
>Championships, Americans still have the mindset of
>either being the poor relations of the Irish - or
>being just as good, but hard done by. The latter is
>clearly not the case anymore (if it ever was), and the
>former has not been the case for years.
>Let's face it - if any of these complainers were
>offered a trip to Ireland or Britain to compete in our
>national events - they would jump at the chance. And
>do, en masse.

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