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Date Posted: 16:44:08 05/21/14 Wed
Author: Lace
Subject: Ready or not?

The story is set in season seven when Harm and Sturgis tried to set the Admiral up on dates.

The characters aren't mine, mistakes are.

Thursday night

After the Admiral had called it a night Harm, Mac, Sturgis and Bobbi stayed for a little while longer. Mac was on their case about leaving the Admiral's love life alone.

“It's going to blow up in your face, Harm,” Mac warned.

“The Admiral won't understand that I've had anything to do with it,” Harm reassured.

“I still think Caroline could have been a good match for him,” Bobbi chimed in and gave Harm a sharp look.

“Come on Bobbi, the Admiral doesn't go for something like that,” Harm argued.

“But I bet you will,” Bobbi teased.

Harm smiled cleverly and put the card Caroline had given him into his pocket

Mac let out a sigh.”I'm leaving. Good night.”

Sturgis offered an exasperated look as Mac left them. “You're surprisingly clueless for a smart guy.”

Harm looked confused. “What?”

“He's just saying that you are a bit dense when it comes to what's right in front of you,” Bobbi said with a nod in the direction Mac had left.

“It's not like that between Mac and me, and I'm not going to call Caroline anyway,” Harm said and looked questioningly at Sturgis. “Why are you so interested in my relationship with Mac anyway?”

Sturgis hesitated. “It's nothing.”

“Sturgis, what aren't you telling me?” Harm wanted to know.

Again Sturgis hesitated. “I'll tell you one thing. You're in denial,” he turned to Bobbi. “Ready to go?”

Bobbi nodded. Before she left she touched Harm's arm and leaned in. “If you ask me you're a bit of an ass.”

Harm had to admit that he'd been flirting with Caroline, and it did feel good. It had been a while since Renee, and Caroline wasn't ugly to look at. He had no intention to call the woman, but he got the impression that Mac believed he would. Harm prepared to leave and thought that he'd might go by Mac's apartment and clear up any confusion.

Mac's apartment

When Mac got home she changed into a pajama and sat down to watch some TV. She was only half watching because her mind was on her partner and best friend. She was in love with him, but he wasn't returning the feelings and it was exhausting for her to suppress what she felt. There was a knock on her door and she turned off the TV and walked to see who it was. Harm was standing outside her door.

“Harm?” Mac said as she opened the door.

“Hi Mac,” he said and stepped inside the apartment. “Are you ready for bed?”

“No, just watching some TV. What are you doing here?” Mac asked as she closed the door.

“I just wanted to say that I'm not going to call her,” he answered reassuringly.

Mac was confused. “You drove here just to say that?”

“I felt the need to explain,” Harm said and hesitated. “It was something Sturgis said...”

“What did Sturgis say?” Mac questioned sharply.

Harm was confused. “What's up with the three of you? First Sturgis gives me a hard time because I was flirting with another woman in front of you, then Bobbi calls me an ass and now you yell at me.”

“I didn't yell,” Mac argued.

“Is there something I should know? Because I get the feeling that you and Sturgis are keeping secrets from me,” Harm said accusingly.

Mac looked away. “It's nothing to worry about. I accidentally told Sturgis something, but it doesn't matter.”

“What doesn't matter? Is it something about me? Because if I've done something I want to know,” Harm said stubbornly.

Mac bit her lower lip and wouldn't meet his eyes. “You didn't do anything.”

“Then why are you talking to Sturgis about me?” Harm wanted to know.

“It wasn't about you, it was about me. And I don't want to have this discussion, Harm. It's bad enough that I have to see you every day...” she stopped and looked down on her feet, realizing that she had said too much.

“Did I do something to you?” Harm asked with worry. “Was it the comment about the men in your life being dead of wish they were? Because I didn't mean that, Mac. It was just a way to get Sturgis off my back about us.”

“It's not that. I accidentally told Sturgis that I'm in love with you,” Mac said weakly, deciding to put all the cards on the table. “I know you don't feel the same, so just forget about it. I'll get over it.”

“You'll get over me, you mean?” Harm asked and let out a sigh. “It's not that I don't have feelings Mac, it's just that... It's complicated.”

“It doesn't have to be,” Mac said and wiped away a tear. “Damn it, I hate feeling this way. Can we just forget about this night? Please go home Harm.”


“Stop it, Harm. Just leave,” Mac said and opened the front door.

Harm turned to leave. “See you tomorrow.”

As soon as Mac had closed the door behind him she let the tears flow freely. Again she had been shut down by the man she loved and it hurt.

JAG Headquarters
Two days later

Harm had been trying to talk to Mac several times since the night in her apartment, but Mac avoided him at the office, wouldn't take his calls and last night she'd pretended that she wasn't home when he stopped by her place. Harm was about to head for her office when the Admiral called him to his office.

“Harm, what is going on between you and the Colonel?” The Admiral asked as Harm entered his office. “I thought the two of you had talked things out?”

“Sir, it's complicated. She won't talk to me,” Harm said with a shrug. “I don't know what to do, sir.”

“What is the argument about this time?” The Admiral asked with a little eye roll.

“It's not an argument, sir.” Harm hesitated. “Sir, what would happen if Mac and I became more than friends?”

“Harm, haven't you and Mac always been more than just the regular coworkers? To tell you the truth I'm surprised that it took this long for the two of you to finally see what have been obvious to the rest of us for years,” The Admiral said with badly hidden frustration.

“Well, we're not very good friends right now, sir. Or anything else for that matter,” Harm said.

“I'll find a way to keep you both at JAG. Please fix this before it starts affecting my office more than it already does,” The Admiral warned.

“Yes, sir,” Harm said.

A little while later he crossed the bullpen and headed for Mac's office. She was going to talk to him this time.

“Commander,” she greeted him.

Harm closed the office door. “Mac, we need to talk.”

“I'm done talking,” she said dismissively.

“Well I have a lot to say. I'll come by your place around 1900. I'll bring dinner,” he said as he turned to leave, leaving no room for her to argue.

Mac's apartment
That night

Ar precisely 1900 Harm knocked on Mac's door. It took a while for her to open, and he was afraid that she wouldn't at all. After knocking a third time the door finally opened.

“Sorry, I was in the shower,” Mac said as she let him enter. “I'll just dress.”

Harm watched as she barefooted and clad in only a towel walked to her bedroom and shut the door. He bit back a remark about her not having to dress on his account, not sure if humor was the right approach. He stared after her, thinking that she was beautiful. He wouldn't admit it if anyone asked, but his heart always did beat faster when she was around.

A little while later she came back dressed casually in a t-shirt and shorts, no trace of makeup on her face. She rarely used much makeup anyway, and in his opinion she didn't have to either.

“I hope pizza is fine?” Harm said as she sat down on the couch beside him.

“It's fine,” Mac let him know as she reached for a bite. Her eyes didn't meet his as they ate, and she wasn't even trying to keep up a conversation.

“About the other night...” Harm started.

“You don't have to say anything, Harm. Let's just leave it alone,” Mac suggested.

“I don't want to leave it alone. Look...” Harm turned fully to her. “It's complicated. We work together, and my track record with women is a disaster. I don't want to lose you, Mac.”

“Like I said, we can forget about the other night,” Mac suggested again.

“Mac, will you just give me a break here? I'm trying, I really am. I don't want to lose what we have,” Harm explained.

“What we have is a strained working relationship because of the tension between us. God Harm, how much worse could it get anyway?” Mac said with a sigh. “Don't you want a family, Harm?”

“Of course I do, I just have some doubts about myself as a family man,” Harm admitted. “It has nothing to do with my feelings for you, Mac.”

“I can't wait for ever,” Mac warned.

“I love you, Mac,” Harm said and reached for her hand. He sat closer to her and put his other hand on her cheek. “I don't want to lose you.”

Mac eased up. “You'll never lose me, Harm.”

“Let's make this work then,” Harm said warmly.

Mac smiled. “I'm in.”

Harm leaned in and kissed her. “I guess I better take you out on a date then.”

“I think we're way past that,” Mac said and kissed him again.

Harm didn't need any more convincing as he deepened the kiss.

The End

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[> Great story thanks for sharing perfect Harm and Mac -- Beth, 07:24:43 05/22/14 Thu [1]

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[> Oh, how easy it could have been, if only... -- JoyZ, 11:32:45 05/22/14 Thu [1]

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[> LOL very good Lace -- Bev uk, 15:01:36 05/22/14 Thu [1]

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[> If it was only that easy. -- achaon, 16:56:08 05/22/14 Thu [1]

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[> That would have been nice, if only, oh well - good story! -- Ciara, 07:32:01 05/23/14 Fri [1]

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