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Date Posted: 16:50:53 05/26/14 Mon
Author: Lace
Subject: Living out fate Chapter 8

Mac and Harm's house
February 15th

Harm finished packing his suitcase and put it by the bedroom door. He was prepared to leave for D.C the next day with Mac and Mattie to attend the scheduled court hearing about Mattie. He hated to admit that he was nervous, even though the court had no reason to change Mattie's situation he couldn't shake the edgy feeling he carried around.

As he walked past his and Mac's home office he heard her voice coming from the inside.

“I'm doing fine, and I'm taking it easy. Yes, I promise. You know, you're worse than Harm.”

Mac smiled when Harm stepped into the room. “Harm just stepped inside the room, maybe the two of you should talk and compare notes.”

Harm chuckled as he sat down beside her.

“Okay, talk to you soon then. I love you too, Uncle Matt.”

“Is he giving you a hard time?” Harm teased.

“Not more than you,” Mac shot back as she put her cellphone away. “He's coming to visit next month. He's meeting with an old friend about a job.”

“How is he doing financially?” Harm wondered.

“Uncle Matt never used any money, so he's good. But I think he's bored and would like to work,” Mac explained.

“I'll mention it to Mom and Frank, they know a lot of people so maybe they could help him out,” Harm suggested as he reached for her hand. “You must be exited about seeing him again?”

“I am,” Mac said with a sweet smile.

“Are you all set for tomorrow?” Harm asked.

“I'm a Marine, Harm, I'm always set to go,” Mac teased as she stood. “Don't worry, honey, this Marine has everything under control.”

Harm stood and followed her out of the room. “I should know better than to ask, right? Well, I'm set too, so maybe we should make it an early night? Let little bun get a good nights sleep.” He followed her into their bedroom.

“Sounds like a plan, but I was thinking about something else than sleep.” Mac said as she walked close to him and put her arms around his neck.

“Really? And what might that be?” Harm leaned in and kissed her.

“It looks like you might be on to my idea,” Mac said as the kiss ended.

Harm started kissing down her neck. “I might have a few ideas on my own.”

Two days later
Washington D.C

It was heavy snowfall as Harm maneuvered the car through the streets in the direction of General Cresswell's house. It was just him and Mac in the car since Mattie was spending the night with her Dad before they were scheduled to fly back to San Diego the next morning. The judge had ruled to let Mattie stay in Harm and Mac's care, the judge was pleased with Mattie's recovery and the care she got, and since Mattie's father didn't contest the agreement she had been happy to rule that the arrangement be as it was.

“I just realized something,” Harm said.

“Yeah?” Mac had been busy texting with Bud, but now she focused on her husband.

“I don't miss the snowy winter at all,” Harm continued as he laughed softly. “Who are you so busy texting with anyway?”

“Bud. I was just curious to hear how everything at the office is going,” Mac said and rolled her eyes when Harm gave her a reprimanding look. “What? I didn't call, did I?” she pointed out.

Harm chuckled. “So what did he say? Anyone who'll be court martialed when you get back?”

“No, everything is in order,” Mac said and reached for Harm's hand. “Sorry, I'll put the phone away now.”

“I suppose it'll be mostly work related topics anyway tonight,” Harm said as he lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed it. “God I hate this snow.”

Mac laughed. “Tomorrow we'll be back where it's nothing but sand.”

“I can't wait,” Harm said as he released her hand and focused on maneuvering them safely up the driveway of the Cresswell home.

It was late when they arrived back at the hotel and Harm could see that Mac was tired so he suggested that they get a good nights sleep. It had been a long day for them all and Harm too was tired. Mac snuggled into his arms and smiled when he caressed her belly.

“It was a nice night,” he said quietly.

“Yeah, it was,” she agreed as she propped herself up on an elbow and studied him. “I talked to Clay yesterday.”

“Webb?” Harm was confused. “When?”

“While you and Mattie were in Blacksburg and I stayed behind to get some rest. He called me and asked me to meet him, and I figured it couldn't hurt. I didn't tell you about it yesterday because I knew you had enough to think about as it was, and I didn't want you to freak out,” Mac said with a teasing smile.

Harm offered a questioningly look. “Me? So what did he say anyway?”

Mac ran her fingers up and down Harm's arm. “He apologized for his behavior. I told him that I forgave him. Then he asked if you felt the same, and I told him that he had to talk to you about that.”

Harm touched her cheek softly. “He could have gotten you killed.”

“He knows that, but it's who he is and I should have known better, right?” Mac offered a sweet smile. “It was actually nice seeing him again. I got to ask different questions and I got the final closure.”

“I'm glad,” Harm said sincerely.

Mac took his hand and entwined their fingers. “During a fight Clay insinuated that you being unavailable was the reason why I was with him. I guess he was a little bit right. That and the fact that I was fed up with our dance.”

Harm nodded. “Paraguay didn't exactly get out the best in either of us, huh?”

Mac smiled. “During all our crap, I never stopped caring. You know that right?”

“I know,” he reassured. “It goes both ways.” He pulled her in for a sweet kiss. “When junior arrives it'll all be wiped clean. Past mistakes will just evaporate.”

Mac smiled. “The moment you said I do, I couldn't have cared less about all our past clinches.”

Harm smiled widely. “We've come a long way since the rose garden, Mackenzie.”

Mac chuckled. “We sure have, Rabb.”

Harm took her into his arms. “Let's get a good nights sleep. I love you.”

Mac relaxed into his embrace, sleep already threatening to overpower her. “I love you too.”

To be continued.

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[> Perfect evening. Can't wait for more -- Beth, 20:02:56 05/26/14 Mon [1]

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[> Thanks for another chapter Lace, enjoying your story. -- JoyZ, 01:44:33 05/27/14 Tue [1]

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[> aw how sweet Lace looking forward to more -- Bev uk, 03:55:45 05/28/14 Wed [1]

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