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Date Posted: 15:18:47 05/31/14 Sat
Author: Lace
Subject: Living out fate Chapter 9

Mattie's school
April 3rd

Mattie was surprised when she exited her classroom and saw Mac standing a few feet away talking to her friend Nick. Mattie wondered if Mac had told her that she'd pick her up and she'd forgotten, but she was sure no such deal had been made. Mac smiled warmly when she noticed Mattie and Mattie was once again reminded of how incredible beautiful Mac was, even more so now that she was pregnant and had a special glow to her. Mattie also wondered how someone looking like Mac could be so down to earth and totally oblivious about her looks. It was something about Mac that made Mattie feel safe and proud at the same time, safe because she finally had a mother who would stick up for her no matter what, and proud because everyone respected Mac and Mattie really looked up to her.

“Hi, Mac. I didn't know you'd be here?” Mattie said with a sweet smile as she joined Mac and Nick.

“I left work early for my Doctor's appointment and I thought we could go by Trish's gallery and see that new exhibition,” Mac said.

“That sounds a lot more fun than mowing the lawn,” Nick said with a teasing smile. “See you tomorrow Mattie. Nice to see you again Colonel.”

“It's Mac. Bye Nick,” Mac said.

“Bye Nick,” Mattie said and focused on Mac. “That sounds like fun.”

They started walking down the hallway. “How did the appointment go?”

“Good. Everything is progressing just as it should,” Mac reassured. “Nick is a nice guy.”

“He is, but he's also a bit of a jerk,” Mattie snorted.

“Most guys are,” Mac said with a sigh.

“I take it you and Harm haven't made up yet?” Mattie asked teasingly.

Mac shrugged. “I'm expecting an apology any time now.”

“He's just worried, you know,” Mattie said.

“Between him and Uncle Matt I'm going crazy. You'd think I was the only woman who'd ever carried a child,” Mac complained.

Mattie laughed. “He's being a little insane,” she agreed.

Mac nodded. “So, back to Nick. Why is he a jerk?”

“I'm just disappointed I guess. He stood by and watched as his buddies bullied my friend George, You know the guy in the wheelchair in our class? I just though he was different I guess,” Mattie said as they stepped out into the sun.

“Maybe he didn't feel brave enough to go against his friends” Mac reasoned.

“I would have,” Mattie said stubbornly.

Mac smiled. “Yes, but you're braver than most.”

Mattie offered a thankful smile. “I have good role models.” They walked up to the car. “Can I drive?”

“Harm would hit the roof. I'm barely allowed to drive myself these days,” Mac said as she opened the car door.

Mattie laughed as she entered the car. “Next week I have my license. Can I get my own car?”

“We'll have to consider that,” Mac said.

“Really?” Mattie was surprised.

“Don't be so surprised. There's no way Harm will let you drive his Vette, and we need the SUV to transport the baby and all the stuff that comes with it, so it only makes sense that you have your own car,” Mac said.

Mattie smiled widely. “It can be my birthday and Christmas present for the next ten years, and I'll get a job to pay insurance and gas.”

“We'll talk about the details later,” Mac said as they drove off.

Later that day
Harm and Mac's house

It was past 1900 when Harm walked in the door. The house was quiet as he crossed the living room and entered the kitchen where he found Matt O'Hara by the stove.

“Taking a full time job as chef, Matt?” Harm asked.

Matt laughed. “Hardly. I think I'll stick to my day job.” Matt had gotten a job as security guard at Trish's gallery and were now living close to Harm and Mac's place.

“Where's Mac and Mattie?” Harm wondered.

“Mattie is doing homework in her room and Mac's asleep on the couch,” Matt said as he continued to stir the casserole. “You should probably wake her up. Dinner's almost ready.”

Harm left the kitchen and walked over to the couch where he found Mac sound asleep, one hand resting on her belly. Harm smiled as he leaned down and kissed her cheek.

“Time to rise and shine,” he said as he touched her hand softly.

Mac slowly opened her eyes. “Hey,” she said as she rubbed her eyes and sat up.

“Thanks for texting me after your appointment,” Harm said as he sat down beside her.

“Otherwise you wouldn't have been able to concentrate in court,” Mac teased.

Harm took her hand. “I'll rub your feet after dinner if you forgive me for yesterday.”

“That's not fair, you know I can't resist an offer like that,” Mac said as she flashed him a sexy smile.

“So you forgive me?” he asked hopefully.

“Don't I always?” she pulled him in for a sweet kiss.

Harm smiled against her mouth. Mattie chose that time to walk into the living room. “Get a room people.”

Harm released Mac. “So, how was your day?”

“Great!” Mattie said with a huge smile. “ I think I'll be hanging out at Trish's gallery every afternoon from now.”

“Mattie found the man of her dreams today,” Mac explained.

“Really?” Harm looked between his wife and daughter.

“Oh yeah, Antonio is hot,” Mattie said. “And that accent..”

“Yeah, that's some man,” Mac agreed.

“Oh no, not you too. So where's he from?” Harm stood and started walking to the kitchen.

“Italy,” Mattie and Mac both said as they followed him.

“Should I be worried that one of you will run away to Italy with him?” Harm asked dryly as they joined Matt by he table.

“Who's going to Italy?” Matt asked.

“He's too young for me,” Mac teased.

“But I might be persuaded,” Mattie said.

“Ah, so you two stopped by the gallery today? Well, we did have a lot of women there at the grand opening of the exhibit, all of them more interested in the artist than the art I might add. I think one of them cried when he left the gallery hand in hand with his boyfriend,” Matt added.

“Why are all handsome men either gay or jerks?” Mattie said with a pout.

Harm shook his head. “I'm not even going to comment on that. Changing the subject, I agreed to watch the Roberts children on Saturday. Harriet's college roommate is in town this weekend and Harriet and Bud are having dinner with her on Saturday night and their regular babysitter is out of town, so I said that they could drop them off here.”

“You know what that means, don't you? Spaghetti for dinner and dinosaur pancakes for breakfast,” Mac said teasingly.

“Rabb's famous dinosaur pancakes,” Harm corrected her.

“It's a lot better than Rabb's famous meatless meatloaf,” Mattie commented.

This earned her a look from Harm and Mac burst out laughing.

Later that night
Harm and Mac's house

Harm was just about to finish his preparations for court the next day when he noticed Mattie hoovering outside the door to his home office. He put away the file he'd been about to open and offered a questioning look in her direction.

“Have you ever stood by and watched as someone else were bullied?”

Harm hesitated as he thought about it. “Yeah, once in High School. I had the worst feeling afterwards and the next time I stepped up. Why do you ask?”

“I thought Nick was a pretty good guy,” Mattie said as she stepped into the room and sat down by Mac's desk. She lifted the picture of Harm and Mac in Afghanistan and smiled. “This is a nice picture.”

Harm smiled as well. “It's funny, because I gave that picture to Mac as a Christmas present and Mac gave me that frame the same Christmas.”

“Meant to be,” Mattie said sweetly.

Harm nodded. “So, back to Nick. What's the problem?”

Mattie put the picture down. “I guess I was disappointed when he didn't step up. He never actually bullied, but isn't standing by and watching just as bad?”

“Did you do something?” Harm asked.

“Of course I did. It's not going to score me any pointers with the cool people, but who cares?” Mattie shrugged. “I hate it when people act as though they are better than others.”

“Don't judge Nick by one mistake. It takes time to build character, and High School is hard, even for the cool kids,” Harm smiled. “Not everyone your age is as mature as you are.”

Mattie shrugged again. “I guess.”

“Mattie, we all make mistakes. It's a big part of growing, and in the end what's important is to learn from it.” Harm stood. “Isn't it time for bed young lady?”

Mattie stood. “Yes, Dad.” Mattie hugged Harm. “Thanks.”

Harm said good night to Mattie before he walked across the hallway and into his and Mac's bedroom. He hurried to undress and brush his teeth before he got into bed. He smiled when Mac, who was sound asleep, snuggled closer to him. He loved his life, and sometimes he wondered how they could have waited so long to finally find the happiness they had now.

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[> Another wonderful chapter in the life of the Rabbs -- Ros, 20:42:05 05/31/14 Sat [1]

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[> I love it! -- cd, 20:59:30 05/31/14 Sat [1]

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[> Weaving a lovely story Lace, always ready for next.. -- JoyZ, 09:42:39 06/01/14 Sun [1]

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[> a sweet chapter Lace -- Bev uk, 11:14:02 06/01/14 Sun [1]

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[> Loved it. Can't wait for more -- Beth, 20:23:03 06/01/14 Sun [1]

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[> Lovely as always! -- Ciara, 11:52:34 06/03/14 Tue [1]

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